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DFi lanparty sli dr bios problem,Please help

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DFI Lanparty SLI DR bios problem,Need Help

Within the last couple weeks i built this new setup.


Specs: Amd athlon X2 4400 +(stock Heatsink and fan)

DFI lanparty ut SLI DR

Crucial Ballistix (2 x 1024)DDR 500

OCZ 600 watt PSU

X-FI Platinum

(2) sata 250 maxtor maxline 3's(one of them is my primary,unsure which exact one)

(1) ide seagate 120 gig

(1) MSI 7800GT, thinking about RMA'ing it for an evga or xfx 7800GT though. Video card deosn't impress me and I'm not even a big gamer, just Seems crappy




What happend is I updated windows for the first time on this fresh install, even though I had everything else already installed and have been using this setup for almost two weeks.

I have been running it @ 10 x 250 = 2500mghz per core without any voltage adjustments at all. Not sure if it was fully stable or not but it didn't crash while i was playing GTA san Andreas for a few hours here and there and doing alot of other stuff in the background for days. Since everything was going good so far I thought is was time to act stupid so I downloaded what i think is the right newest bios for this board from right here. Link



I read on the bootscreen that the bios version before i flashed was 6.00pg or something like that. I could have read the wrong thing though, I just thought that my board would have an older bios anyway so just went for the flash for better performance with X2's.


Bios version I installed is 2005/06/23

I used the Diamond Flash Image for BIOS. So it would do it on it's own. I Kept the computer overclocked too, I didn't know if it mattered if it was overclocked or notwhile flashing the bios.

I booted from the floppy and it said booting windows 98 or some words with windows 98 in them. And I was thinking what the hell is that ., and I'm positive that I formatted the floppy too. But it didn't give me an error and it was automatic so it keep installing and said to not shut off the computer, and keep installing then it said flash complete, take out the floppy and hit F1 to restart so I did and then it rebooted and I went into the bios to set it up.


I set it to boot one of the maxtors that i think is the primary hardrive first and keep everything else the same and saved and exited the bios and got constant beeps and a blank screen.


I then cleared the cmos and tried it again and again and again and again trying different settings each time to try and and figure it out but can't figure out what's going on.


And the problem is that I'm new to s939 boards or any board with crazy amounts of bios settings, so I really have no idea what the hell i'm doing with 80% of the settings in this bios


I did try to set the timings for the ram to 3.3.3. 8 and raised the voltage for them to 2.8 and left th fsb or whatver it's called now to 200 ,but don't know the other ram settings and if there what I need to change ?


I also tried to lower the multiplier to 10 and keep the Fsb or whatver it's called now at 200 but still no go. I tried to raise the cpu's voltage to 1.375 but it still didn't work.


And I did make both the maxtors boot before the seagate but it didn't work either, just beeps and a blank screen



So I'm thinking that either there is a setting that i need to change and don't know what it is or my bios is messed up and every time i leave the bios it will just give me constant beeps and no boot.




Man I feel dumb right now.


Side note. I did get the computer to boot. I unplugged the seagate on the ide and the floppy drive from the MB and cleared the cmos again and just hit F1 to continue without going into the bios to configure it at all. It's the only way I could get back online to post this problem.


Also, I just restarted and got constant beeps right away. I had to clear the cmos and skip configuring the bios to start the computer again.



I followed all the steps except the last one, I got alittle ahead of myself and just set basic settiings myself to see if it worked. I hope that isn't what's giving me this problem. Plus I can't reflash because everytime I exit the bios I get constant beeps. And floppy seek is disabled by default.

1. Prepare one piece of clean bootable floppy disk with only booting program installed.


2. Download the appropriate BIOS update from the Download section according to the motherboard model and PCB (Printed Circuit Board) revision. The revision of motherboard can be checked from the lower right corner of label affixed on printer port. For aged motherboards, please find the label on the last ISA slot. You can take the first digit after "R." as PCB Revision. For example, the PCB revision is "A" if the revision of motherboard is marked as "R.AG0".


3. Extract the BIOS binary file and the flash utility program from the zipped file using applications as WinZip.


4. There should be two files being extracted from the zipped file. They are: *.EXE and *.BIN files. You can find another ".TXT" file sometimes which is the description of history of the BIOS updating and you don't have to use it upon flashing the BIOS.


5. Copy the *.BIN and *.EXE file on to a floppy disk and reboot your system from the floppy drive.


6. Type in the following command under DOS prompt (NOT under windows!):

A:>[executable] [file name].bin /F

OR A:> [Executable] [file name].bin /F/QI

OR, A:>[executable] /?

for detailed instructions.

Warning: For NFII chipset based motherboard, please do not give "/F" instruction. Otherwise, LAN MAG IP will be lost that might cause your LAN feature failed.


7. Reset your computer AFTER the completion of BIOS flash process.


8. To check whether your BIOS has been updated successfully please refer to the BIOS date code shown on the bottom left hand corner of the boot up screen.


9. Please LOAD OPTIMAL SETTINGS or LOAD BIOS SETUP DEFAULTS in the BIOS setup menu during the first system boot up after the flashing the BIOS.






Can someone with this DFI board help me out please.


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Okay. You have a floppy with 623-3 BIOS. Good.

You need to be able to enter BIOS. Okay.

Step 1. Turn off PSU

Step 2. Remove Power Cord from PSU

Step 3. Press power putton on front of PC to drain Capacitors. Hold deprssed for a few second.

Step 4. Locate Clear CMOS jumper and move from pins 2,3 to pins 1,2. Leave in place about 10 minutes. Usually you are asked to also remove the battery. I've only had to do that once when doing it without removing battery did not work.

Step 5. Replace battery. Move CMOS jumper back to start position.

Step 6. Replace your power cord.

Step 7. Turn on the PSU.

Step 8. Start your PC

Step 9. Hit delete during POST to enter BIOS.

Step 10. Set BIOS for floppy read. Save your BIOS Changes and exit.

Put the floppy in and you know what your supposed to do from here.


Any Questions?


Go to user cp and create a sig with system specs.

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What memory slots I used was the problem.


I was originally using the two orange or yellow slots, i think the two yellow ones @ 250 FSB @ 1T but now it won't let me use them at all after I flashed to the newer bios. My two gigs will only work in the top two slots(top yellow 1, and top orange 1) and now it's running at 2T and I can't change it at all. I get constant beeps if I try to use any other slots.


Does anybody know of anyway I can fix this without going back to the older bios?

Are there any other newer bios that I could use / which keep performance of the X2?

Are there any bios settings that will let run my sticks @1T ???





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I don't think it has anything to do with your BIOS upgrade. My board did the same thing while I was surfing this forum. No bluescreen or anything. Computer attemped to reboot and just beeped at me with 3 red LED's lit. I've tried everything. Now I have a nice stable single channel board. RMA here I come. Grrrrrr! See thread http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=27490

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I don't think it has anything to do with your BIOS upgrade. My board did the same thing while I was surfing this forum. No bluescreen or anything. Computer attemped to reboot and just beeped at me with 3 red LED's lit. I've tried everything. Now I have a nice stable single channel board. RMA here I come. Grrrrrr! See thread http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=27490


But it has to be the bios update, before the update


I was running (2 x 1024) 10 x 250= 2500 mghz cl 1T with default/auto voltage for everything.


Where can I get that new 704-2bta bios ? I want to try that one out to see if can get back to where I was at.

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Did you follow step 9 above you posted? It is important to load *optimized defaults* after flashing then reboot. I would do that then try to boot to windows. Try one stick in slot 3 (orange) farthest away from cpu. Then if you can boot into windows then try inserting stick 2 in slot 1 (orange). It is also important you NOT try to use any reloaded settings when upgrading to a new bios. Forget, at the moment, trying to tweak anything. You need to get stable at stock settings again. That's why optimized defaults are final step. You need to enable eratta 123 for your chips and disable the other. Also set boot drive priority etc, but at this point stay out of *genie*.

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I flashed to 704-2bta.bin and am back up and running at


10 x 250= 2500mghz. @ 1T


This time I follwed the instructions completely. I knew it had to be a bios problem.



I think i have a new memory problem with the memory timings not being read right though but will double check and post back for help, if I'm right


Thanks for the help


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