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Ati 9500


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i was looking for one on a site, but something caught my eye, it said it was 4xAGP and not 8x. I was under the impression all the 9500's were 8x? any thoughts anyone?


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Well according to ATI's info on the 9500 pro it is compatable with agp 8x but it is possible that some third party manufacturs may use the 9500 pro chip on thier own board (like power color or saphire) which wont accept 8xagp

or if you currently own a 9500 and your computer is telling you that you only have a 4x card could be cause your mainboard only has 4x capibility.

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i don't own it, but i wanted to get one and softmod it. that was one of the cheapest places i could find it for, but once i get off my lazy butt i'll call up the store and see if it's just a misprint.

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