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Updated bios failed

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I just installed the latest bios for my NF3 Ultra-D and after having updated the bios and the updater restarting my system......nothing boots. Lights come on, but no beep on start-up nor any video. What have I done wrong? What should I do?

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how you do the bios flashing? :rolleyes:


for me, the safest way would be the old way:


use bootable floppy to boot up.


do the flshing by using another floppy with the flash utility and .bin file.


tried to take out the battery see whether it works or not. :)

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Right, followed all those steps after #5 and now my pc boots, with no beeps but I have no video.....any ideas?


A signature with your components listed would help so folks around here know what they're dealing with...

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3500 venice, nf3 ultra-d, 2 x 512mb 2700 ram, asus x800 pro, soundblaster audigy 2 zs, 2 x 200 seagate barracuda, q-tec 650 watt psu, dvd drive etc. Any help?


The only other user that I know to be using a Venice 3500 is Lucky and he is still on the original 602 bios...and doing quite well.


824 bios does not work well at all with Venice cpu's...unless you were having problems with the original you may want to consider going back to that.

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But how can I go back to it if I cant even get the pc to boot to get to the floppy drive?


Ahhh...sorry. Didn't realize you were dead in the water.


Disconnect the PSU, pop the battery and clear cmos for as long as you can stand it...at least 30 minutes. You may want to disconnect everything but vid card and keyboard when trying to fire it up again and also only one stick of memory in slot one...if you can get it to fire up again and can get to the bios load optimized defaults. If you can reboot after that get yer floppy hooked back up and flash back to a known working bios...


Hope that helps...

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why the heck is popping the battery necessary.

Jesus these boards are Junk.

How the heck can it be an overclockers board.

I can't change anything in the bios without disconnecting the sata power.

Gosh thats really handy. NOT

Are DFI ever gonna write a decent bios for this board ?

Or shall I just R.A it.

Damn P.O.S :mad:

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