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Is there a memory tweaking guide for DFI Lanparty Ultra B?

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I've been searching for a guide to show how to set up all the mysterious memory options that the motherboard offers. I want to make use of them to tweak my ram. Anyone knows one that is related to this topic? Thanks.

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You mean for tweaking the Alpha Timings, there isn't really a guide as such no. The best way is to use nForce2 Tweaker and experiment till you find your optimal settings, but be prepared for a few Bsods when you set one too tight ;)


I use Everest to bench the memory to see if theres any improvement in my scores then when i find what i think is optimal, test for stability and finally set those settings in the bios.


You can also try reading Johnrr6's DFI NF4 BIOS Memory Guide just to get an idea of what the settings are for, because a lot of the bios options are the same/relevant to nForce2 too.

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