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My screen is not working.. Help


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I've had to work on quite a few out-of-warranty LCDs. The problem you are having is a malfunctioning convertor which will need to be replaced. Unfortunately, it costs almost as much to replace the convertor for, 17" and below, compared to a new monitor price.


Look at your purchase receipts and warranty information card. If still under warranty, go through the proper process of getting it replaced.

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Its weird it worked for about 4 hours this morning, but then it it displayed the same vertical lines as yester day, and i cant get it back to normal.. So can it be the cable that is wrong ? why did it work for 4 hours this morning? Is the malfunctioning convertor the converter for the gfx card to the monitor ?


(My screen is a 19 ")


i appreciate your help.

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