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Is My Mobo Dead?

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I have just installed an ASUS V7T motherboard with an AMD Duron 800mhz processor.


I managed to get it up and running ok but when I plugged in my USB modem the system ground to a halt. I have not been able to get it going even when I tried the mobo and CPU in another base unit.


When I turn the power on a power led (PLED) light on the mobo comes on but nothing else seems to work. The CPU fan and system fan do not spin and my hard drive does not show any signs of life.


The hard drive definatley works as I have tried it in my other system. I can't try the CPU in my other system though as it uses a slot 1 instead of socket A.


Is it possible that my motherboard has fried or that my power unit has died?


Any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated.


Thanks, Scribbler

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Check all of the connections going to the motherboard from USB headers and stuff like that... If the power light is on but the board doesn't seem to be working, you might one of the wires on the wrong "ground" pin. Same thing happened to me on friday and rewiring it did the trick. ;)

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