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Radeon 9800 Problems


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Yeah i have a Radeon 9800 @ 420/380 and im only getting 12k in 3dmark2001, and ive seen other people with radeon 9700's at like 360/320 getting 16k.. can someone please help me!


MSI K7N2 Delta -ISLR

AMD Barton 2800

Radeon 9800 128mb

Corsair XMS/Low Latency PC3200 400mhz 512MB

Edited by Soliex

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3d mark 03 would be a better test of your cards performace. it's more suited for the new card technology. make sure that you have FFAA and anisotropic filtering turned all the way down as well as vertical sync. the higher the refresh rate you can set your monitor to the better also.

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