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Why Is That

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i have a asus a7s333 mobo with amd athlon xp 2400+, abit ti200 (64 mb) oced form 175/400 to 215/500 , an a 30 gig 5400 rpm wd hard drive an would like too better loading time on evey thing i do B)



well to get off on the right foot my friends 1800 with with 768 mb of ram an his more then 2 maybe 4 time faster then mine ...he has a raedon 9000 64mbbut he has a 120 gig 7200 w/8 mb buff :angry:


i dont like the fack that a 1800 sistem out performs a 2400 sistem .....

will you guys please give me some addvice :unsure:



sorry if i cant spell ...flunked at spelling school

Edited by zackiscrazy

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it's not the spelling thats bad but the incohereant statements that makes it hard to under stand. basically his xp 1800 is faster then your 2400 right? what are you using to compare the two? if its just how fast programs load up then it's probably because you have a pretty slow HD.

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