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Virtual Memory

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Hi, I want to adjust my virtual memory because some programs I run says I do not have enough. At the moment its set to "let windows manage my virtual memory" (letting windows manage something cant be good :P)


It says if I adjust it wrong the computer may not boot. I dont want to screw anything up so what should I set it to so its safe, yet has enough to open these programs that I use?



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Well if you have 256mb of ram or less than let windows manage your v.memory. If you have more than that but less than 1Gb than multiply the amount of ram you have by 2, if you have more than 1Gb than multiply your amount by 1.5. And that value should be set in the initial and maximum spaces in the virtual memory tab, and if you did that correctly your virtual memory(page file) should become static, and thus your virtual memory doesnt have to be resized like before the change and go through so much HD thrashing :)

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Oh :(


So what do I do about the virual memory thing? I used to be able to open up multiple clients of a game I play that doesnt require much resources, now I can only open 1 after putting in another 265mb ram... what the heck?

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