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Tmod and loggan26's Bios Flash CD & Utility CDs NF/4/3/2+ATI

Guest Tmod_merged

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haha...you know whats funny? my teacher said that you guys are idiots and that flashing your bios is usually danger and uneeded.

You find that amusing do you?


he also said that the only reason you would do so is if something is compatible.

Tell him there is a big world outside of his box.


please prove him wrong and tell me there is a point to flashing the mobo bios. If so, which version and why?

It is not our job to prove anyone wrong, That is your job and the purpose behind the search button.


You will find your own answers after using it.



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.its not that i find it amusing i would just like to see you guys prove him wrong...

We are not here to prove anybody wrong, Flashing the bios a strictly a matter of personal preference.


If you are content with the way your system runs then don't touch it. If you are after the very last bit of performace then maybe there is a bios out there that will help you attain that last bit of speed.


what is the actual purpose?

Depends on what you want, Some of the modded bios's have certain memory timings in them or others have newer versions of Sata bios's or MemTest. It really depends on what you are looking for.


and where is the post on this?

There are several posts throughout this forum that relate to newer or modded bios's, You really need to use the search button.


Also keep this in mind, NO motherboard manufacturer is going to keep creating new bios's just for the hell of it. They create them to increase performance and yes make newer hardware compatible with the motherboard.


I hope this answers your questions.



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Previous Bioses don't offer full support of the newer cores (Venice and SanDiego) and the X2 Dual cores.

So the manufacturer (DFI) of the board releases a new bios to offer full support and recognition of the processor.

Ahh, so if you want full support you need to flash the bios.


So, Tmod has a very SAFE way of flashing the bios.


He also offers a number of different ones (some modded, some not)

Many try the Beta Bioses in hopes of better performance (stability at overclocked speeds).


Flashing your Bios IS dangerous.

You should never flash just for the sake of flashing.

And you should never flash without a backup plan in my opinion. Bios savior/Spare Chip deal.


Think of Tmod as a Doctor without Borders :)


EDIT: See Tmod just posted. So just think of him as an International Flasher.

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Hi there Tmod just want to ask about the drive strength, in 704-2BTa Fixed, the drive strength should reach up to level 8 right? How come I can only see "normal 4"? (btw, used your cd very very handy thanks )


Thanks for the compliment on the CD however I cannot answer any questions pertaining to the 704-2bta as I didn't mod it or am I able to use it due to the fact I don't have the NF4 board.


Please check this thread for info on this bios.



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Hi there Tmod :D just want to ask about the drive strength, in 704-2BTa Fixed, the drive strength should reach up to level 8 right? How come I can only see "normal 4"? (btw, used your cd :D very very handy :D thanks :D)



Normal (how it is in normal bios)











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Normal 4 is like 8

Weak 4 is like 7

Normal 3 is like 6, etc.


That's the way the bios is, not Tmoddified.


If you are using CD3 (after update patch). The changes are latest Memtest v1.65 is embedded, Full Boot screen is disabled, and PC health is enabled. Hope that helps.

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We have a fellow member that is having issues with running the Hitachi tools from my CD.


Is anyone else having any issues with the Hitachi tools and if so what are they?


Feedback both positive or negative is needed here.





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