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Tmod and loggan26's Bios Flash CD & Utility CDs NF/4/3/2+ATI

Guest Tmod_merged

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Just a thought or two here.


If Shinobi and I remove our initial posts on the 1st page of thread it'll give give you more than enough "space" to fine tune the verbage of the tutorial. It should make for a cleaner "read" for those that have not been involved from the "git-go".


I'm still pretty convinced that not all understand the rar/iso is inside a rar-ed folder.

It's explained later in the thread but the goal was to make something easy to use.


I think you're modded Sil Image driver will be useful to post for folks that use the bioses that are modded with the 5.052 Sil Image bios. I've still got space at www.uploadit.org if you'd like to have small pictures instead of links for the screenshots. Especially since the "update patch" seems to be working so well. What the screen is supposed to look like makes it easier for new users to verify that it was completed correctly.


I realize it is more work but sometimes a thread grows and it's nice to have extra room to answer questions and thoughts that come up. It's just so much easier for a new user to become confident when all questions are answered initially. I've found in the MBM 5 thread that what I took for granted still had a lot of people in the dark. I'd also suggest you put a link to this thread in your sig. It will allow folks to search for posts by "Tmod" and get them here easily and quickly.

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You have quite a few vaild points there Carl.


I know we need a tutorial on extracting and burning the ISO as you said I took that for granted and I shouldn't have.


You are correct that it will take alot of work to create something that has a step by step tutorial with images.


But it does need to be done.


I will start on some tutorials for this utility within the next few days.


Thanks for the suggestions!!



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after those screen links will allow new viewers to get the idea right away. I know you know that but others may not. plus I still think the colors are very kewl. I'm deleting my initial posts to give you some more room.

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Ummm the image tags don't work in this section.


I really don't understand why Admin doesn't have that option available here but it isn't my forum.



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I have created two tutorials that go along with my Tmods CD2 unfortunately the Admins don't allow the tag in this section so soundx98 has donated the beginning of his MBM5 thread for the tutorials.


I will be posting a link to the tutorials in the first post so if you need to know how to extract Tmods CD2.iso from Tmods CD2.rar or learn how to burn the ISO using Nero then you may want to take a look.


Thanks again for having interest in Tmods CD2 and I look forward to even more additions in the future.



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"rename.bat" is still there.. maybe you can make it go away its done?


Yes I am working on that.


Just delete it until I get it straightened out.



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There has been a new recent release of MemTest (Thanks goes to soundx98 for the update on the new release)


I have modded the newest release so it works correctly embedded in the NF4 LanParty bios's.


I would like to know if anyone cares to have the latest MemTest release v1.65 embedded in the NF4 LanParty Bios's?


Just post back if you would.



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