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NF4 Ultra-D> Weird temps... (screenshot)

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My computer was kind of slow so I restarted it (been getting this error msgbox which crashes the toobar (everything goes away expect for background then it comes back 2-5 seconds later)) and now I am getting these weird temps. I installed a PSU 2-3 days ago, but everything was previously reporting fine.


Half a byte :



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OK, let's see. "Everything goes away" means that shell (explorer) crashed and was restarted. "Error msgbox" probably said either "memory could not be read" or "memory could not be written".


It's not always caused by HW (sometimes you get such errors due to memory leaks). But with a new rig I'd start making stability tests to see if everything works properly. Especially if it's OCed.

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well, "crashing to desktop" on a regular basis is never a good deal :)

something is dorked for sure. You're at default MHZ/FSB. shouldn't be happening.


And new programs or drivers loaded recently? damn drivers can kill ya :D


MBM5 temp sensors are definately wrong/not reading. You can check under MBM5 Settings/temps CPU set to ITE8712F-1 Diode, PWMIC to ITE8712F--2, and NF4 to ITE8712F-3. Chipset FAN should be on settings/fans ITE8712-3. Some how you've got them mislabeled.

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First, check if your fans are running!!!

This may in fact be what the bios is seeing (and will stop the fans in that case -> that chipset 0RPM could be true, open the case and look)...


This happened to a few users - if restart doesn't help clear the CMOS and it should go away (if the problems dissapear report back)...


What version of mobo drivers are you using? Update them!


Was the MBM running, was it started with windows, was any other monitoring software running at the same time (even for a short while, before the problems).


This has been known to happen, but very rarely, to a handfull of users only - usually after a restart the problems go away. There is a possibility that if the user is not useing a monitoring software and doesn't have a windowed case it happened to more users, but they didn't notice it...


It noticed this once (http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=16190) - since then I start MBM with windows and I have the fans and temps alarms set...


-128/-127 is a good search phrase for the forum search...

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You are right... CPU and chip fan arent moving :(... Restart didnt do nothing (the fans start to spin really fast then slow down almost instantly)....


edit: btw with my old PSU and even when I originally got my new PSU my CPU fan never moved very fast (probably not even 250 RPM) though my chipset fan always moved ok...


edit2: Second restart this time fans started going when my comp was off (like you, in addition my CPU was also working like crazy) and after forcing it to stop, and starting it again, it worked normally....


But my CPU fan is still spinning slowly... I can stop it with my finger, and it has problems starting again on it own :


Here is a new SS a>


Even with slow CPU fan speed its always between 29-40c.


edit: What is the trick to get MBM5 to display all my 5 fans (cpu, chip, video card, then two 120 MM)?...

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You are right... CPU and chip fan arent moving :(... Restart didnt do nothing (the fans start to spin really fast then slow down almost instantly)....


edit: btw with my old PSU and even when I originally got my new PSU my CPU fan never moved very fast (probably not even 250 RPM) though my chipset fan always moved ok...


Try setting your "fully on" setting for the CPU fan on a lower temp (25C for max always) - this should provide aditional voltage to your fan and make itrun on a higher RPM.

My papst fan runs ~390RPM most of the time with my xp-120. It stops when the temp reaches 25C (as set in BIOS), but it starts normaly on 26-27C - some lower quality fans may not start properly with low voltages (but this can't explain -128 temp readings)


edit2: Second restart this time fans started going when my comp was off (like you, in addition my CPU was also working like crazy) and after forcing it to stop, and starting it again, it worked normally....

Are you saying the CPU fan started on it max rpm but it didn't stop/slow down. It is quite normal for it to start spinning at max RPM for a few seconds at startup - this insures proper startup.


So is the problem fixed now? What did you do to fix it (did the two restarts fix it, or did you do anything else)?


Here is a new SS a>

Looks ok now. You can add temperatures for the 6600 gt (http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread...98&page=1&pp=15)


edit: What is the trick to get MBM5 to display all my 5 fans (cpu, chip, video card, then two 120 MM)?...

1) only three fans can be monitored on dfi nf4

2) almost no GPUs support fan speed measurmens

So the best thing you can achieve is CPU, chiset + one of your 120mm fans


Please answer the folowing questions:

Is the "Enermax EG495P-VE 485W" one of the "smart fan" PSUs whe the fan continues to run even a few miniutes after you shut down your PC?

Do you have any version of everest or speedfan installed? Was any of them running when/before problems first started?

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Try setting your "fully on" setting for the CPU fan on a lower temp (25C for max always) - this should provide aditional voltage to your fan and make itrun on a higher RPM.

My papst fan runs ~390RPM most of the time with my xp-120. It stops when the temp reaches 25C (as set in BIOS), but it starts normaly on 26-27C - some lower quality fans may not start properly with low voltages (but this can't explain -128 temp readings)

tnx, moving 3000RPM now, much better.


Are you saying the CPU fan started on it max rpm but it didn't stop/slow down. It is quite normal for it to start spinning at max RPM for a few seconds at startup - this insures proper startup.
No... I was going to close my computer, change the jumpers, and start the computer. When I clicked close in Windows XP my monitor went black (as if comp was closed (the led light on monitor was even blinking)) but as my monitor went "off" my tower stayed on, my two 120mm fans keep running, and the two that werent working (CPU & chip) started. The processor light also light up (as if the comp keep working.)


So is the problem fixed now? What did you do to fix it (did the two restarts fix it, or did you do anything else)?

Yes it's working now, I closed my computer, and started it.


Please answer the folowing questions:

Is the "Enermax EG495P-VE 485W" one of the "smart fan" PSUs whe the fan continues to run even a few miniutes after you shut down your PC?

Do you have any version of everest or speedfan installed? Was any of them running when/before problems first started?

Yes, the Enermax is a smart fan (SFMA?), but only the fans in the PSU itself keep going (and very slowly)... I do not have an everest fan, I have Antec (included with mobo) and Stealth.

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tnx, moving 3000RPM now, much better.


No... I was going to close my computer, change the jumpers, and start the computer. When I clicked close in Windows XP my monitor went black (as if comp was closed (the led light on monitor was even blinking)) but as my monitor went "off" my tower stayed on, my two 120mm fans keep running, and the two that werent working (CPU & chip) started. The processor light also light up (as if the comp keep working.)


This is 100% what was happening to me... Wierd, becouse my 2x120mm fans are connected through molex connectors directy to PSU :confused:

My PSU also has that smart fan function...

Used to happen to me a lot (one every 1/1.5 week), now it seems to not happen at all :) (don't know what I did - update your drivers ;) )


I do not have an everest fan, I have Antec (included with mobo) and Stealth.

I asked if you have Lavasoft Everest software installed ;) ?

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