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High HTT vs. multiplier.


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Since my Venice doesn't really like anything higher than 2700 I'm trying to figure out how to compensate this drawback...


A possible config that comes to my mind is:


CPU @2664 (333 x8)

RAM @266 (CPU/10)


The question is would it worth the effort. Should I expect any performance gain with 333 x8 (if compared to 300 x9)?

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Since my Venice doesn't really like anything higher than 2700 I'm trying to figure out how to compensate this drawback...


A possible config that comes to my mind is:


CPU @2664 (333 x8)

RAM @266 (CPU/10)


The question is would it worth the effort. Should I expect any performance gain with 333 x8 (if compared to 300 x9)?


299 * 9 sounds better


using a 9/10 divider your ram goes to almost 270mhz


High htt by itself is worthless in a 100% unless your max multiplier does not give you any other option :nod:

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What divider for the 333 and what timings


CPU/11 for 333 x8 (not sure if these sticks can do 266 but I hope so).

Probably CPU/12 for HTT 300 x9 (CPU/11 if possible, but 272 seems too high).

2-2-2-x timinigs (anything else is almost useless with BH-5).


High htt by itself is worthless


Really? I was under impression that higher HTT with lesser multi is better. But maybe it's just an Intel fanboy's prejudice... :angel:

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seen tests at xbitlabs (and others, but this is the one I remember the most as I like their reviews quite a bit :D ) on various mem settings and different HTT settings even when the ram is 1:1 has very little performance impact on a64.


p4 is another whole different world, though :D

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some say higher HTT is better, or atleast shows up better in a benchmark. Seems some cpu's just like certain multi's better than others. Could be combination of this and/or the change in memory frequency, and/or the cpu's memory controller. I think you should just use which ever gives you the highest cpu mhz, while being completely stable. You may be able to use a higher HTT/lower multi or vice versa, and achieve slightly different benchmarks, but I'm sure it would be nothing you could notice.

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Well, then higher multi is better.


Thanx for quick answers!


not that straight :D


using a higher multi is better than using a very high HTT cos you're not stressing the chipset and HTT so much, then you can use lower voltages on your chipset and, besides, a lower HTT keeps your mem closer to 1:1 if they can't go so high.


You're not gonna loose too much by using dividers on memory but some little performance is to be lost, loss which increases as the divider keeps getting smaller.

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