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What am I doing wrong?

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First off, I am not new to overclocking, but I am new to overclocking the new amd64 platform (well new to me) So I have a few questions


I DID read everything I could first, including the AMD64 overclocking guide, but I couldn't figure everything out, How do I set my ram speed???


Okay so I was able to do this


Ram at 100mhz (the lowest divider) then overclock my cpu to 300fsb x 9 = 2700mhz its 100% stable, but if I move the divider for my ram up at all, it gets to the second screem and before "verifying DMI pool data" it crashes and restarts :(

Why can I not run my ram at its default pc3200?



CPU-z screen shots for info =



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I suggest you read the overclocking guide again. You found your highest CPU clock. Did you find your Max mem clock?


You will have to bring down the CPU to up the Mem. Plus, your memory is not running at 100MHz there, it is at 150 as shown by your CPU-Z screenshot. The divider is how much you divinde HTT by to get your memory speed. a 5/10 divider means half of what your CPU is, so 300/2=150MHz.


The trick is to find the best blend of CPU and Mem speed. The word is that CPU speed is the much more important ingredient.

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First, 1.68V is already a bit too much for 24/7 usage (with air). Also CPU-z may underscore, so I assume the real is 1.7-1.227V which is WAY too much. Unless you use water of course.


Besides, how you found out that system is "100% stable"? Which stability testd did you use?





Second, care to privide more detailed specs?


What is your current BIOS version?

Your RAM is XBLK I suppose. Is it?

What voltage are you currently using for it?


Also confirm that all four power connectors are plugged into the MB.

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Okay I think I figured it out, after printing out the guide, and paying closer attention I realized my math was off (duh) well I have another question, Why is it that My ram according to my math should be at 300 mhz, ddr 600, and MEMTEST reports it (picture below) but then I get a different story in CPU-z (next picture) :confused:



Yet then again, upon running sandra I realize I am getting more bandwidth then an intel 925x DDR2 pc4200 dual channel... umm that seems pretty good to me (last picture) :D


WHat do you guys think, should I be happy now with my 3000+ @ 2.7 ghz and spossedly 300mhz ddr600 at 2-3-2-5

OH and I was doing 6 hours of PRIME 95 as a stability test.





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should I be happy now with my 3000+ @ 2.7 ghz and spossedly 300mhz ddr600 at 2-3-2-5


Yeah, it's average OC you can expect from Venice and TCCD RAM. Anything higher is rarely stable and will definitely cost you quite some time/effort.

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