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So i purchased all the parts and they are arriving at my house today and tomorrow(whats listed in the sig). Unfortunately the video card is going to be lagging :(. Anyways i want to hook up my HDDs into raid 0 BUT i was reading various forums/ reviews and you have to flash the bios i guess. SO i was wondering if anyone could give me a little instruction/help on what to do on the 1st boot(not too sure how to flash it not sure what flashign is either). Also have some questions for OCing but ill take that to the other forum. THANKSSSSS



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Use this as a rough guide.

Set your memory timings up as needed and not to what the post has for step 22.

NF4 Ultra-D Step by Step New Build



Also linked in the sticky posts above is information on Bios flashing. (Get 6/23 from DFI.tw its official.)


In my opinion, the easiest way is to also use the floppy flash method listed on the dfi.tw site.

*(The download makes the floppy bootable and with the files on it. You can find a bootable CD in the overclocking or bios forums but I haven’t used it. )


Raid isn’t hard, AG has also provided some nice links in the sticky posts.

Pull up a chair, get a drink and dig in.


Also check this post and mke sure your power supply is listed.




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well $*%& it only has a 20 pin. just another few days i have to wait to put it all together. What do you suggest im looking at about $100. P.S. the case comes with 5 fans (4x80mm 1x120mm)and a fan controller so i need to make sure the ps can support all those. also not sure on how to use the front panel fan controller as well as the control settings on the mobo(what are good settings by the way?). interesting that on 1st boot mobo is not installed in the case yet.... flashing the bios after 1st boot then i guess. I think im going to run my mem 2-2-2-5 (advertized timings) at 2.6v i think but ill talk that over with oc forum. Also what is "Set Update ESCD/will update DMI pool" (step #18)?

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davidhammock20’s power supply thread is the authority and pick the most 12v amps and max watts within your budget. *(I like the ocz520Powerstream but its the only one I have used.)


Also, here are the keys to the kingdom.

Hit advanced search and paste this

Set +Update +ESCD

16 threads and most likely an answer in there.


Oh, I forgot, I have this in my notepad folder.

NF4 UPDATE ESCD *(Step 19 ? explanation)


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