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XP 64bit Ready for new drivers

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Update, my new build is coming along slowly but surely. Have updated my bios to 6/23-3 after some minor floppy issues (thanks for the quick responses to my plea for help ) and now I am going to install the chipset drivers and video card drivers on my Ultra-d . Have the new 6.66 NV drivers for the board and just downloaded the 5.7 Drivers from Ati site. Xp64 up and running with no problems with install, chipset drivers are next then the video card [HIS 800xl ] .


I don't expect any problems getting my chipset drivers installed , but have some questions about the 5.7 Cat Drivers.....


Firstly I have a single 200 gig WD SATA ,no raid.....

So asumming the chipset drivers should be straight forward to install.

The drivers that come with the card doest mention anything about xp64 bit compatability so I assume I;ll need the new drivers from ATI web site., and does the Tobo software work with xp64 or not?

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