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Anyone else own a PSP?

Guest oRiOn_merged

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Anyone else own a psp here? If so what games movies do you play?



Twisted Metal: HO (online)


Untold Legends (eh little boring but fun with friends)


I also have one question about twisted metal, when i go into the online lobby and try to join a game it stalls at connection pending and says failed to connect.


Auf Wiedersehn



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Yeah I have one. Ridge Racer, Wipeout, Twisted Metal, ATV Off Road Fury, and Hot shots golf are the games I have.


I really like the new firmware 2.0, the internet browser rules.

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If I could put Windows on it, AND wifi to the Internet from it - I'd buy one. Looks like we're close, I've seen Win95 on it I think, and Linux of course. Not sure of the networking status though.

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yeah, windows 95 takes about 10 minutes to boot, and since windows has the mouse acceleration you have to move the mouse the opposite direction to stop it

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I sorta updated too early im running 1.52 I will update to 2.0 once it is released because homebrews will begin on 2.0 soon (i heard). I am just renting games from block buster right now. I will for sure buy Socom: Fireteam Bravo if it supports intranet which it should. No matter what I will buy GTA and GT for psp.

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