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I'm trying to install 2xRaptors 10,000rpm 36.7gig in a strip 0 on my friends computer and ran into a strange problem. I load WinXP Pro SP1 on an ATA 133 hard drive and boot into windows to load controller drivers so I can format the raid to 32kb cluster with a 16kb chunk strip. I do it on mine all the time so sweat! But his Disk Managment shows two drives not one single partion like it should in a raid ( [email protected] not 73 single partion ) and we have done it twice now with same results. We even reloaded the windows ( reformat ) again on the IDE drive to try the raid again, same thing. I was wondering if it could be the raid controller on the DFI not reporting correctly or windows? He is using the # 1 & 2 connector on the raid controller. I think the 3 & 4 are for mirror right, correct me if I'm wrong. We have try the newer drivers of DFI's site. We also tried the drivers of of Sillicone image's site and they wouldn't load at all. I think the driver pack was missing the .inf file it also had the 64bit drivers with them we didn't try those...lol wish!


Any trouble shooting ideas would help right now. I may have him load the raid normal with a 4kb cluster for the trouble shooting but what fun is it to run a raid with 4kb cluster XP blowss :nod: on install options, my opinon!

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If you see 2 HDD then you have installed the wrong drivers for the raid array, that is why winblows is showing 2 HDD's. YOU need to Dl the drivers and install them. The newest drivers wont work on this mobo unless they are moded.


DO you have Sata raid enabled in the bios as well? Did you actually go into the Sil Sata raid bios and set up a raid0 stripe?

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If you see 2 HDD then you have installed the wrong drivers for the raid array, that is why winblows is showing 2 HDD's. YOU need to Dl the drivers and install them. The newest drivers wont work on this mobo unless they are moded.


DO you have Sata raid enabled in the bios as well? Did you actually go into the Sil Sata raid bios and set up a raid0 stripe?


We thank you! We got it"! It was Windblows! The third time was a charm! Go figure with the newer drivers I guess wouldn't register with WinBlows corretly!... :nod:

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