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help with nf2 ultra al

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i have a xp 2200+ and dfi nf2 ultra al with 512 ocz ddr400 value series

and i cant get 2400mhz , some time the pc run with 12*200 and look good in super pi to prove stability but, sometime didnt boot.

the bios is 8/16/04 and i dont know waht to do to get 2400mhz .

some idea about this?


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You need to Read The Rules vasco, and create a signature with your full system specs. Its hard to help when we don't know your full system details.


Is that 2200+ an XP-M? What voltage are you using and what cooling are you using and what are your temps?


Sounds like you maybe at its limits. You need to do more than run Super PI to test stability. OCCT and Prime95 are good stability testing programs you should use.


Also try running Memtest to test your memory... The Ultra S-AL (and Ultra AL from what i've seen) seem to have some issues with Dual Channel so maybe you could try running Single Channel and see how you go.

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i have a xp 2200+ and dfi nf2 ultra al with 512 ocz ddr400 value series

and i cant get 2400mhz , some time the pc run with 12*200 and look good in super pi to prove stability but, sometime didnt boot.

the bios is 8/16/04 and i dont know waht to do to get 2400mhz .

some idea about this?


that sounds like the 1.6Ghz XP-M barton i had, i could Oc to 2.44Ghz with her but that was the limit.

you may be able to push a little more but we need specs in teh sig.


info that would help:

PSU and its rails

CPU, core and heatsink

ram, brand, speed and timings

bios version.


i could post 2.5Ghz on my K7S5A which was volt limited to 1.7v, these boards have a 2v limit.

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athlon tbred xp 2200+ the steping i dont remember but maybe is this ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪AIUGB

i m not sure.

motherboar dfi nf2 ultra al with a vantec in northbridge. bios 8/16/04 original from dfi page.

1 module of 512 ocz ddr400 value series 2.5-4-4-8 in default and 2.5-3-3-7 with 2.8 vdim at 200mhz fbus.

tr2/m2 cooler

1 hhd maxtor 40gigas 7200rpm.

1 cd rw lg

1 dvd liteon

omega 450watts generic

gf4 mx440 64 bits 64mb ddr(350/345)

1 fan on case 120*120 panaflo

1 fan of a duron cooler in gf4


i use 1.75vcore for 2300mhz

and i try with 1.8 1.85and 1.9 to 12*200 and didnt work(no boot)

now is in 2300 11.5*200mhz and work good.

chipset is in default.. what more?

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shinobi is right, it may maxed and is a pretty good Oc for a low PR tbred. i thought you had the barton though :P, about the PSU, to sum it up, cheap PSU's usualy dont give clean power (moreso for no name PSUs), which results in instability because of the "noise" thats in its current, that gets worse with more power draw.

now you can prolly up the chipset volts to 1.6-1.7ish and try for 210-215Mhz fsb if you want, depends if your ram is willing to do but with timings like yours im sure it will, just loosen them as you go.

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