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Can I use PCIE4 slot instead of PCIE1 ?

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Reason I'm asking is the chipset and gfx card temperature. The gfx card pushes heat straight into the chipset fan while the chipset fan warms up the gfx card a lot. Chipset temp is 54C on idle and can go up to 62C load after a pass of FEAR demo for example. gfx card is o/c GT to Ultra speeds, perfectly stable and w/o artifacts but it's rather hot, 67/68C idle and on load it can go up to 85C.


So is it possible to use the other PCI-E 16x slot (PCIE4, lower one) or will it run with 2x bandwitdh or can you configure the jumper in some way or is it possible to run it in 8x then, as you won't notice much (if not at all) difference between 8x and 16x?

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So is it possible to use the other PCI-E 16x slot (PCIE4, lower one) or will it run with 2x bandwitdh or can you configure the jumper in some way or is it possible to run it in 8x then, as you won't notice much (if not at all) difference between 8x and 16x?


Yes 2x, until you set the jumpers for sli, then it will be 8x, and no there will be no noticable difference, except a cooler chipset!

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If you take your jumpers that determine SLI or non-SLI and put them in SLI mode (ie all on the bottom set of pins), you'll have 2 8x PCIe slots, but not SLI... I did that because I bought the Thermalright V-1, which wouldn't even come close to fitting with my Thermaltake Big Typhoon.


Also, I noticed nothing in testing that said I lost any performance... the normal margin's for my tests... all within 1% of 16x


*Note: This is on the UT nForce4 Ultra-D, obviously, if you have the SLI board, you'd be able to turn SLI on and actually have SLI, if you have the cards :-)

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