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  1. Where is your info coming from? ATI owns all the market at the moment. on topic ATI does not need to answer the gtx 480 because it isnt no where close to as fast as a hd 5970 reference.
  2. They are getting all price ranges locked down. Now i dont see a reason for purchasing a nividia card. Well there is physx and 3d =.=
  3. Higher clocks speeds are what causes the higher power draw. Looking at the specs this should be alot faster than a 5770 too.
  4. I would buy a 5970, because what nvidia has wont be able to come close to it.
  5. Not really, the have a majority of the supercomputing world. That is where they make money. This is the reason for fermi's design.
  6. I sure did bash ATI and didnt buy any of their cards until the 3870 was released. All this hype and no show = fail
  7. fermi wont come close to 5970, so i dont think it will affect the pricing of it.
  8. I am sorry but the forum wont allow me to post the rest of pics i got. It is giving me erros. the rest of pics can be found here http://superclock.mysmf.com/index.php/topic,133.0.html 3dmark09 3dmark Vantage Resident Evil 5
  9. Test setup Phenom II 955 3.78ghz 4GB DDR3 1333 Sapphire 5770 (with asus bios) Cooler master haf 922 OCZ 700watt modular psu Gigabyte ma790xt ud4p motherboard Picture of setup Settings Benchies Done ALL GAMES MAXED (will be mentioned if not) 3dmark 06 (default) Resident Evil 5 (1080p no aa dx 10) Call of pripyat (dx11 1080p) Grand theft Auto 4 (1080p) Street Fighter 4 (1080p 2x aa) Crysis 1 (1080p medium no aa x 10) Devil may cry 4 (1080p 8x aa dx 10) Dirt 2 (1080p 4xaa) Heaven Bench (Default)
  10. that cooler works great but the sinks fail, the ones for the vrms that is
  11. Is anyone here planning on getting a gtx 470 or gtx 480? DO you think ATI will lower prices? We all now who charlie is (nvidia hater) has he been right all along ? WHen I read charlies articles then read guru's latest. It seems to me that guru just put things a nicer way. Guru's article NVIDIA and its troubled GeForce 400 series vs SemiAccurate gets some GTX480 scores
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