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  1. OK i have read 30 of the 49 pages here. I have 2 Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 320GB's in the mail and want to get them setup when they get here. Heres how i will have them partitioned, Vista,Xp,Xp,Linux (first off can i do this on raid-0??). I have figured i would leave the default windows cluster size of 4K. What i haven't understood is what is the optimal strip size? Since i'm using a cluster of 4K, using the 4:1 rule, that would give me a strip size of 16K. Does that make sense? That would be my settings for all the windows installs. Then i figured for my free space will be lots of large files games/movie/music etc. From what i have gathered i should have a larger cluster on this partition. So a cluster of 16K or larger? And a strip of 64K.(which as i'm writing this doesn't make sense to me as i can't change this per partition can i?) Can i even do this? After 30 pages i'm as equally informed as i am confused.
  2. I would still like to know if this is a good idea or not. I understand that i need to get pc4000 memory for this to be worth while. My hope is to sell off my x2 and my memory and spend little to no money and get some better ram and a good 165 opty. I just want to know if its worth the trouble? I'm not sure what my current x2 4200 capable of (some delta's are in the mail) but i know the opty is capable of 2.9/3.0ghz. And possibly more on water? I just want to make sure i'm not downgrading. If i should go with the opty, which of these would be better: OCZ 2GB PC4000 EB Platinum Edition Dual Channel DDR Kit (2 x 1GB) or 2x1GB Ballistix DDR560 3-3-3-8-1T 2.7V http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=68336
  3. DELTE, sorry didnt realize it was a 1gb kit
  4. would you be willing to ship to canada?
  5. Ive been looking at memory, what would be good for this application? Is it worth it getting new memory and this opty or should i just stick with what i got? I figure i need to decide soon because i think my x2 is gonna loose its value pretty soon. How would this memory be: http://www.pc-memory-upgrade.co.uk/new-pro...000-2gb-kit.asp the guy who's selling it in the fs form's sig says this tho: Opteron 165 (CCBBE 0617FPMW) 2.924Ghz DFI LANPARTY UT nF4 SLI-DR Expert Corsair 2x1gb XMS pc3200 Hes running pc3200.... Don't know much about memory so maybe its just because its good..
  6. this threads pretty old so i would guess theres not much chance u still have that ram do u?
  7. darn, wasn't looking forward to buying new memory. Maybe a bit later on... with that said. Would it make sense to run: fsb:300 multi:9 divider:150 i get a dram of:225 and a clock of:2700 this is for the opty or say fsb:250 multi:11 divider:166/183 i get a dram of:196/211 and a clock of:2700 For my x2 4400 Now the opty would give me room to play around later on. But would the opty run cooler at 2700 then the x2? And would the opty be more easily stable at 2700 then the x2? That's if i can get my x2 to 2700.
  8. The opty 165 CCBBE are supposed to overclock well. My question is should i bother sellin my x2 4400 for about the same price i can get a opty 165 w/CCBBE stepping? According to ebay i should be able to get $170-200 for my x2 4400 and i can get the opty 165 CCBBE for $210 including shippin with a buy it now. Keeping in mind my memory in my sig, i figured it might be a factor.
  9. More testing with some dual core priming has got me to this: FSB Bus Frequency............................. - 247 LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio....................... - x4 CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio....................... - x11 PCI eXpress Frequency......................... - 101Mhz CPU VID StartUp Value......................... - Auto CPU VID Control............................... - 1.55v CPU VID Special Control....................... - Auto LDT Voltage Control........................... - 1.20v Chip Set Voltage Control...................... - 1.60v DRAM Voltage Control.......................... - 2.7v DRAM Configuration Settings: DRAM Frequency Set............................ - 166=RAM/FSB:05/06 Temps: Cpu: 51 Sys: 62 (max with pretty warm room, don't know actual temp sorry) Ran prime for about 2hrs while on the net. Haven't got time for 8+hrs of prime yet The evercool and artic silver are in the mail.... and i might put duct from my window when on high clocks. How do my settings look? And i have a question about prime and all the other tests. I can understand stressing the cpu to see what the max temp it will get to. But running prime for like 10-24hrs, is the purpose to see if the clock is stable for use 24/7? Reason i ask is I'll only use my max clock for gaming, and bring it down a bunch for day to day use, as i normally have my system on 24/7 and have no need for it to be running high clocks when its just idling overnight. Thanks for your help so far.
  10. Ok, i think my memory is what is holding me back. I want to find how high i can clock my cpu. I have used the memory divider but how do i relax my timings from 1t?
  11. Dont remember exactly but somewhere around 45 i think. My chipset was getting a little warm so i have a 70mm fan blowing on it. and an evercool with some artic silver is on its way. The only thing I'm worried about is the memory since i don't know how hot its getting. I put so more volts into it, just for a short time, 2.7/2.8 and i put my hand on them and they were pretty hot so i put fan over them and brought the volts back down because atm i don't have every ironed out yet. What program should i be running to stress the cpu and bring up the temps? I have prime95 but since i have dual core it only stresses 1 core, i heard you can run two instances but i haven't figured out how, so i have been using ORTHOS which stresses both cores.
  12. bios: 07/06/2005 type of memory: OCZ4001024PF Memory in orange slots FSB Bus Frequency 247 LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio 4 LDT Bus Transfer Width 16 CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio 11 PCI-Express Frequency 101 K8 Cool 'n' Quiet Support D CPU VID Startup Voltage Control SARTUP CPU VID Control 1.5 CPU VID Special Control AUTO LDT Voltage Control 1.2 Chipset Voltage Control 1.5 DRAM Voltage Control 2.6 **DRAM+.03 Voltage Control D Page #2 Dram Frequency Set(Mhz) 180:9/10 Command Per Clock(CPC) E CAS Latency Control(tCL) 2.5 RAS# to CAS# Delay(tRCD) 03 Min RAS# Active Timing(tRAS) 8 Row Precharge Timing(tRP) 3 Row Cycle Time(tRC) 12 Row Refresh Cycle Time(tRFC) 24 Row to Row Delay (tRRD) 3 Write Recovery Time(tWR) 3 Write to Read Delay(tWTR) 2 Read to Write Delay(tRTW) 3 Refresh Period(tREF) 3120 Write CAS# Latency(tWCL) N/A DRAM Bank Interleave E DQS Skew Control AUTO DQS Skew Value D DRAM Drive Strength AUTO DRAM Data Drive Strength AUTO Max Async Latency AUTO **DRAM Response Time NORMAL Read Preamble Time AUTO Idle Cycle Limit 256 Dynamic Counter D R/W Queue Bypass 16 Bypass Max 04 32 Byte Granulation D (4 BURSTS)
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