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  1. well i have to hope i can find some screws that fit at least and just send it back with the paper work - just wait and hope they honor it - at least fix the card if they dont want to send me a new one bummer -
  2. i happen to find the video card fan -- but i dont have the screws to hold it on the card i will try a hardware store today - but i think they would know and not replace or fix it ?
  3. thanks - i will start taking it off tomorrow and look for that fan - now i am off to watch a movie - just set up a HT - and need to enjoy it - take a break from this compter stuff - drives you crazy
  4. thanks -- i have to look for it - i think i saved it - i mounted heat sinks on the memory also - so i have to remove those - clean up a little - i put some more past on the fan if i find it - and see what happens - i really hope its the video card - when i unmount the water block - i dont have to remove the tubes from the block right ? this was my first water setup - so not sure - i can just unmount it and leave ? i really dont want to take off any tubing - even though it could be changed but i am tired of playing around with this - the tubing got discolored when installed it after a short time - with fluid xp - but didnt know i didnt have to use the other coloring to make it Uv more - and that turned it red - on the inside of the tubing so - dosnt glow anymore - just looks red but works fine - keep it cool - i watch it to make sure with Everest - i gave up trying to keep it looking cool - now - its as long as it works plus it got so dusty in there -- i had a fan over the memory and just removed it - threw it out - it build up so much dust over the memory and MB - i dont think it was worth it -- once i went to WC - then the case stayed hot - i have a swivel fan facing the board at the pwc area - i leave that one only - hopefully once i get it going if its just the video card -- i check the temps - or just lower my clock down - either way - i got a back up comp. now - laptop - very slow compared to my main comp. but better than nothing now - i have so much room on my desk now
  5. hi - i wonder if anyone can tell me whats going on with my system - i have a 4200 dual - dfi ultra - 2 gig - watercooled - xfx6800xt card -- a few days ago - system got stuck - crashed - blue screen etc. i didnt do anything or add any new hardware or software - i noticed it said something about nvidia driver etc. -- the screen gets all messed up - lines all over - etc. - its a video issue - but i though it was just the video driver - so i installed it again from nvidia site - but wasnt able to get it to post - sometimes i noticed on the board - one red light still on - i forget what that means - operating OS etc. -- so i shut it off - flipped the switch to clear it - after a few hours - it posted and i wanted to restore to a different image i had - i got it to boot from the cd and ran the restore to a image and again it didnt reboot back up - nothing on the screen - no post nothing -- my screen power light is just flashing - i think that means its not getting a video signal - so i think its the card - i shut it down - cleared it again and left it overnight - next day - i tried to boot from the cd and install windows fresh but as i am doing it - my screen is all messed up with lines across the screen up and down - and garbage -- but it installed at least i think - then it came time to reboot and again didnt post or boot up -- so i gave up - everything was fine up to that moment -- but at times before this happened i noticed a flicker here and there - but didnt think nothing of it - i am running vista 32 ultimate -- i cant really troubleshoot much - because of the water cool and the other pci slot is not useable - the chipset heatsink and fan is blocking it - i would have to remove everything out of the case to try that option - i remember my card is warranty for life - so i called xfx and will be doing a RMA and hope they either fix it or replace - if its even the card -- i am not sure 100% does anyone have any idea what it can be ? also - do you think xfx would replace it even if i removed the stock fan ? i think i still have it - but if i dont and just send it in and tell them it was watercooled - so dont have the fan - would they honor the warranty ? thanks -- system is about a little over 2 years old - really not old at all
  6. hi - thanks - that sounds like it could be something - i havnt a clue how to put the TV in either mode - there is just one RF to screw in to - you can either connect the cable line to that or a Antenna - if you want to connect both - you would need a A/B switch - i tried it both ways - but like you said - maybe i have to do something to the TV to put it in Antenna mode ?? would you know what i have to do - i dont have an Antenna to try it out but if i see that the TV can be put into Antenna mode somehow - maybe i go get another Antenna and try it again - if you know how i can put it in Antenna mode - write back i read the manual and didnt notice anything - i dont see anything in the Tv menus that mention Antenna mode etc. - but maybe i missed something -- thanks - and if you know which setting to go in the menu let me know
  7. hi - i just got a xbr4 32 inch for my bedroom and i tried a hdtv antenna - i picked up nothing at all ?? once i ran the search for Digital channels and picked up 3 i think - which all looked horrible - i returned the antenna and never tired it again - so for me a hdtv tuner in my tv is useless dont know if its the tv tuner or i just dont have a good signal path / antenna -
  8. hi - it may be your memory - i have different memory your volts are high - how did you get it to boot at those volts and are you running at those volts all the time ? what are your temps with those volts ? i heard that going to 1.6v and higher does take a toll on the cpu - not sure if it matter whether the temps are good or not - i am not sure - i tried to go to 2.9 and 3.0 -- i was able to run at 2.9 for a while - before it failed prime - but i had to raise the volts alot more - not sure what there were - but at one point - it started to boot and then just shut down period - everything - i though i blew the chip - board or everything - i put it back to my stable 2.8 and left it - i figured it wasnt worth it for me - i am good at 2.8 1.55v my temps are at around 40c under load if i raise the fans to the max on the Rad - or else it gets to about 45C with the fans on low - - the board hangs around the 49c to 51c and the chipset is one of the coolest now at around 42c at full load - so i feel pretty good about the temps with the volts i am pushing -- but i had to push too much more volts just to try to get 2.9 stable - and then i wouldnt run it 24/7 that way even if it got stable - so whats the use - you may want to start fresh with the OC and see if you can get higher this time around or try a divider - see if that works out better for you -
  9. You may be right about Sata and IDE - i been using Sata for over a year and havnt had any issues or have them work more or less than a IDE drive - so i am not saying they are better performers - maybe they are or maybe they not - it just makes me easier with the small thinner cable to plug in and looks neater in the case - also the Sata drives are a bit shorter so it dosnt stick out in the case as much as a IDE drive - but either way you go - the end result is the same i belieave - all i am saying is I havnt had any issues by using all Sata in my system - maybe others have - unless i run into a problem thats coming from me using a Sata drive - i wont ever go back to IDE if i can help it - just getting rid of that big fat long ugly IDE cable was reason enough for me to go Sata but everyone is different and what ever works for you -
  10. i had a nec in my old system and is still working after 4 years - well then if price is the bottom line - get the cheapest one - and dont sweat it - they will all work fine i am sure
  11. i would get the samsung out of those three just for the sata - or else get the lite on sata version - i think its 3 dollars more over the ide version - makes things easier inside the case - but you have to decide first if you want to go sata or stay ide - then you can narrow it down - its not a huge price purchase so i am sure anyone of those would work fine
  12. what kind of quirks are sata having compared to IDE drives ? i been using Sata drives for over a year now and i havnt had any problems with Dvds - burning them or ripping them etc. - what kind of problems would a Sata have over a IDE ?
  13. i have a ultr D also - so far its been great - i had it a year now - would anyone know how long the warranty is for this board ? i got it a year ago retail version - thanks
  14. i have 3 WD drives and all are great - i had WD in my previous system and never had a problem - thats a good deal - but i wouldn't overlook WD -
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