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  1. That kinda bothers me to consider the CFX3200-DR tho, since the A8R32-MVP is about 36C?(passive)
  2. Hmm, i've been watching these forums abit. I got a A8R32-MVP with an Opty 170 @ 2,7Ghz (10x 270, 1.425vCore) 24 hours dual prime stable. (49 degrees celsius tho, will try some more when my watercooling gets in) Noticed the price tag of the CFX3200-DR mobo and its 260 euro here. Which honestly is a tad overkill. Is it even worth it switching from Asus to DFI for the price to pay?
  3. it's strange, my bios says 1,375, but asus probe II showing 1.44-1.46 CPU-Z says the same as ASus probe.. http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc?id=78083 Im at 2730mhz atm, couldn't get past 2750.. windows just froze at load screen. I haven't changed anything on my vCore, so guess this is just on stock EDIT : Might be i need a more stable PSU? vCore fluctuating between 1.46 and 1.5
  4. It's only running Prime stable for 20 min i guess.. temp = 48C I'll try 1,375 in abit then?
  5. How much would you suggest? btw : http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc?id=78073 I just set it at 2650mhz, temp's now 47.. probably 48-49 in a few minutes i suppose o.0 vcore shifting between 1.41-1.42
  6. ASUS PC Probe II showing 1.42 volt.. I can trottle up the fan speed of the zalman, its at 2050RPM atm.. But the noise its producting isn't really worth it atm.. (maybe later)
  7. mainly just standard vented i guess,. I just plugged in the 2 fans that came with the case.. Middle-back fan and front-bottom fan.
  8. Hmm, so i have another question. I'm new with this. There is this program : AMD 64 TCaseMax It's rating the CPU 49C. Good or bad? o.0
  9. I got my Opty and trying out OCing. I'm at 2550 atm but the thing what is worrying me is my load temp. It's 47 celsius at 100% load (dual prime) Isn't that too high? o.0 (Cooling with Zalman 9500 + Arctic Silver 5)
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