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  1. All sorted now... It turned out to be my ram, i tried all four sticks in a new mobo (no boot), then tried one pair no boot and then the other pair booted but with BSOD's. tried the pair that booted back in the dfi board and it seemed fine, the other pair would not boot in the dfi either.. having being a bit miffed about the whole 4x512 scenario i went out and bout 2x 1gb OCZ EL pc3200 and my dfi has been running like a dream.. ive been overclocking and tweaking to my hearts content sometimes too much but the machine always boots now and (touch wood) ive not had one BSOD! somewhat happy now but miffed about the extra £270 i had to fork out to find the problem... (new ram and mobo) though I’m glad to be back running my dfi board as the gigabyte GA-K8N sli-pro one i bought which was 50 cheaper then my dfi ......well lets say you DO get what you pay for hope anyone who's been having the same problems can get anything useful out of this drivel R0nnieb
  2. i had the same problem unfortunately im having to run on 1gb (2x512 in slots 1&3).. as the other pair (on their own wont boot or if inserted into slots 2&4 hangs at the bios screen or just after post. ive gone down the costly route and have just ordered 2x1gb OCZ EL series ram hopefully no more BSOD's!!
  3. well as an update for some reason my pc always boots now, but the ammount of blue screens im having is a joke.... ive also lost my network card a few times too?? grrrr ronnie.
  4. Tucker see post #4 on this thread by ExRoadie...... Here is the way to read the Diagnostic LEDs. 4 LEDs on = Power applied 3 LEDs on = CPU has been detected OK 2 LEDs on = RAM has been detected OK 1 LED on = VGA has been detected OK 0 LEDs on = System has booted to the Operating System. have you tried a CMOS reset or applied the safe boot jumper??
  5. HITandRUN, have you tried the safe boot jumper too? too bad if you can't get in, perhaps mine will show the same symptoms soon then.. seems to be more and more people having similar problems now .. maybe we all bought the same batch.. does yours say DFI too?
  6. ok after somewhat a few beers ive managed to get back into my original ways (no not causing trouble and being barred from the local battle cruiser!).. i have all my 4 512mb sticks in running 128-bit 2T 3-3-3-7 The only changes i had made was.. reset to defaults, save then reboot, then changed default mem voltage to 2.9 (standard was coming in at 2.6), entered my ram timings manually instead of auto, disabled command per clock F10 shut down.. inserted all 4 sticks, turned on (with look of fear and a cringe) and it post with no probs.. quicker infact usually id be watching the "3" led's and waiting for them to start reducing.. soon as i powered on this time within a second they redcued to "1" and os booted with no probs.. been playing battlefield 2 for a few hours now and so far so good! (whats the bet that i'm back again tomorrow.. telling you all that my pc is in the bin?!) cheers ^hic ronnie
  7. If you get anywhere tomorrow please post it on here, if you hafe to RMA the board let us know too because at the moment that appears to be the same direction i'm heading! cheers ronnie.
  8. I'm getting the exact same problem, having to perform CMOS resets inorder to boot (with the help of crossing fingers i might ad!) everything is now set to default, but before i was running ok at 220fsb for over a month, then got the occasional blue screens, now they are more frequent than not. I have now managed to get back into the os succesfully just using banks 1 and 3. (and everything back to default settings now) i also last night had all 4 banks running but with the command per clock settings set to disabled and the ram voltage upped to 2.8v. was running like a dream for hours, decided to leave prime95 running, this morning (BSOD) then it wouldnt post with just 3 lights stuck on.. (not again!!) so a CMOS reset then it would post or sometimes just hang on the lanparty splash screen?? few resets later, and i'm in. has anyone else experienced this / any further info... btw, x4 banks running at 2T 3-3-3-8 and x2 banks running at 1T 3-3-3-8 thanks ronnie.
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