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  1. Hey everyone, my system has been running fine for months up until a few days ago. I started having random restarts, lockups, and BSOD physical dump screens very frequently (as in once every 20 minutes). Sometimes even the BIOS locks up. I get the BSOD physical dump screen/restart the most though. My BIOS settings are exactly as perscribed in this thread with the only difference being I'm running my memory at 3v instead of 2.9v. My finger immediately was drawn to pointing at my Mushkin BH-5 as the culprit but I've managed to run it for hours (both sticks, then just stick #1, then just stick #2) with no errors in Memtest86. I've also covered the following bases: 1. Read on misc. forums that ATI Catalysts have given a few users restarts/physical dumps. Uninstalled those, installed Omega Drivers. Problems persisted. 2. I don't have the Nvidia IDE driver installed. 3. I took my memory out of the orange slots (2 and 4) and put them in the yellow slots (1 and 3). Problems persisted. They're back in the orange slots now. 4. All my voltages/temps are fine and dandy. 5. Tried running with just 1 stick of memory (did that for each stick). Problems persisted. 6. My roomate's computer runs fine with my Mushkin BH-5 in it. 7. I've made no hardware changes prior to all these problems starting. 8. All connections/plugs are fine. 9. Nothing is overclocked. And now to top it all off.....this is the icing on the cake: Right around when these problems showed up, my computer restarted itself one day. I noticed that when it rebooted, the video was messed up. What once covered 100% of my screen now only covers the bottom 70% of it. The initial boot up screen, the BIOS, the windows loading screen, the windows shutting down screen......EVERYTHING not covered by ATI/Omega drivers once WinXP is loaded has been squished to 70% of it's original height. Once WindowsXP loads up and the ATI/Omega drivers kick in, the screen reverts back to normal where my screen is actually as big as it's supposed to be. As soon as I'm out of WinXP though, sure enough the top 30% of my screen is forever black. I'm completely stumped... I've tried clearing the CMOS multiple times and I've flashed to the 510-2 BIOS but my screen is still "squished" as long as ATI/Omega video drivers aren't loaded. This is a very very annoying problem. ANY help would be appreciated...thanks in advance.
  2. Monster bump for this hero, I was going crazy trying to get my system stable....long story short I found this thread, followed this order, and I'm running stable now Many thanks
  3. It seems like memory in these boards take more voltage to run stable, correct? I'm running 2.7v (overclocked) on my NF7-S v2 right now and you're running 3.0v at stock speed (as per your sig)? Or did I miss something Also, are you using the 3.3v or 5v setup for your vdimm?
  4. Thanks for the warm welcome! I will be receiving about half the items in my sig on Thursday from Newegg so I too will be building my rig this weekend. I went ahead and made my sig just in case any issues arise That way I can get to posting instead of setting up my sig and whatnot. I've come across a few threads that have said that the Ultra-D plays nice with the "legendary" BH-5 (the posters were using Mushkin in 1 thread, another brand in the other thread), so I've got my fingers crossed!! One of the reasons I chose this board was the fact that so many people are ordering it (which means more people to help each other out if an issue arises).
  5. I was really hoping to see some Mushkin Black lvl II PC3200 BH-5 on there (2x512Mb matched pair) Hopefully it will be on the list eventually
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