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  1. ok, so does anyone have any experience with Blu Ray? I have been looking at software, and there is an overwhelming amount software. I am intending this computer for getting movies from netflix, couple of clicks (less important part) then the movie is on my hard drive, in a format that is less than 10-ish gigs, and to have the movies in a list, like in powerDVD would be nice, but i just cant seem to find a good combination sofar But from the research i have done sofar it seems like anyDVD HD is the standard ripper, but for blu ray it outputs an 88 gig file so anyone who has an operational Media Center, your recomendation would be much apreciated thanks, cdburner5911
  2. oh, alright, thank you for the advice
  3. library, like windows media player, you have a list of movies, instead of having to go to my computer, D drive, movies, ect. i would like to have them in one list and thank you, I will give those a try
  4. So i have a media center computer set up, and I am not sure of exactly what software to use, i was thinking Power DVD 9, but I'm more of asking what is a good ripper, I am going to rip blu-rays and DVDs. power DVD is supposed to build a library out of ISO files, but using the trial, i have had no luck less importantly, is there a way to have the library biased interface using AVI files, so i can compress HD movies to not 80 gigs a piece? Thank you Connor
  5. I remember reading about being able to do a 2 + 1 comfiguration with one of the 1 gpu's dedicated as a physics processor, that might require a 790FX chipset, but it might not. You might want to look into that, i'm sorry I dont know more. later. cdburner5911
  6. is it anodized??? And that looks awsom, cant wait to see how it turns out...
  7. just a thought, but centrifical fans, or blowers usually move an incrediable amount of air, im not sure about noise tho. As far as use, if your going to have one exaust fan or maby evean two, u might want a custom DC blower. Tho this would take quite a bit of modding... ok, had to throw my 2 cents in...
  8. yah, i went back to my origional idea, sorta, guna build a sorta golder for the 360 (leaving the 360 cas somewhat in tact), but im going to run hat pipes from the cores, out the back, to the pelts, mounted on an awsom metal thing. the metal thing is going to consist of, a flat aluminum bottom (bout 1" thick), 2 1" metal brackets that will look similer to a "t" where as the bottem will attach, and the - part of the t will extend forward to cradle the 360, and the top part will hold the pelts, and probably an evtra exsaust fan (probably 120mm), there will be a box below the 360, containing the power brick, tempature controlers W/ display, all required power supplys anyway, if u want ill shetch it out in paint, maby ill do a rendering...
  9. yah, sorry, but in any case i got it back to normal
  10. So i was messing around with the asus AI booster for the #1 comp in my sig. I put it at 270X9 (266X9 standard), worked fine, put it at 280X9, blue screans on boot up... that is tho only thing i changed (unless it changes other stuff automaticaly) i have 800Mhz ram, and in the bios it says the fsb is set to 1066, and no matter how i change the mutiplyer (in bios) it stays at 1066 and i cant change anything else in bios anyway, any help you can give me would be AWSOM thanks cdburner5911 i want to apolgise for being a noob, so, sorry
  11. So i was messing around with the asus AI booster for the #1 comp in my sig. I put it at 270X9 (266X9 standard), worked fine, put it at 280X9, blue screans on boot up... that is tho only thing i changed (unless it changes other stuff automaticaly) i have 800Mhz ram, and in the bios it says the fsb is set to 1066, and no matter how i change the mutiplyer (in bios) it stays at 1066 and i cant change anything else in bios anyway, any help you can give me would be AWSOM, i really feel like a idiot thanks cdburner5911 i want to apolgise for being a noob, so, sorry
  12. can someone post a link to a good F@H client. if its not to much trouble
  13. im guesing there is a difference, anyway, can u post a link please thanks, cdburner5911
  14. ok, im using i supose the sgtadard one, apperently its from 04, it is 5000 frames per WU is there a better one for folding
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