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Everything posted by compfast

  1. my old dell, will not hold a new motherboard.....and has no agp slot...and the front is falling off..............and it weighs a ton
  2. compfast


    BF2 screenshots
  3. cool thanks for the info, I was skeered....i'll be getting a better power supply later that has more amps
  4. .......................................................... Specs: AMD Sempron 2500+ (1.75 Ghz) MMX 3DNow 1 Gig DDR RAM ATI X1600 Pro 512 MB AGP 8x 3 hard drives (120 GB)...(40 GB).....(30 GB) 52x CD Burner on board sound ( C-Media 3d) Zboard- Gaming keyboard Microsoft optical mouse 450 watt power supply
  5. It's the sound you get when you turn off your comp, that last clicking noise.........but it was doing it while it was on
  6. it stopped ............I removed two power splitters and my tv card wich i don't use and the clicking stopped............crappy power supply
  7. Thanks ............... i thought it was going out
  8. Thanks for the info guys............another question ...........what does it mean when you hear your power supply clicking while the computer is on , it sounds like it does when it starts up ?.............. this started when i got the ati video card that hooks to the power supply?? the power supply i have is the one that came with this case?: 10-Bay BIO II ATX Window Case w/450-Watt PS
  9. I was wondering if I need to switch my power suply from 115 to 450 watts?..................i just got a radeon x1600 pro 512 MB and it hooks to the power suply....................i did one of those power usage calulators and i'm using around 306 watts with out the video card ( because i don't know what it uses)..........I'm afraid to try switching it until I know it wont fry my computer..................
  10. compfast


    From the album: BF2

  11. compfast


    From the album: BF2

  12. compfast


    From the album: BF2

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