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Posts posted by gotdamojo06

  1. bigred so you have a dual mp server with both of them 2400+?


    if you ever decide to get a new system, ill possibly buy them off of you. It sucks that they discontinued the mp series, even tho there is better and cheeper cpus. I dont have the money to upgrade to a new system and I dont know if I want to jump into the 64 bit area. The reason is because of what i have heard, do you think you could clear this misconception up?


    I have heard that you can't run many 32 bit applications in the X64 edition of XP PRO and if you use the 64 bit processor in the X32 version of XP PRO, you wont get the full power of the processor.


    If this is false please correct me and let me know, that might change my mind about the X64, I know that they are fast as hell tho! LOL

  2. I currently have a MSI KD7 Master, with 2 AMD MP with each of them OC'd to I think 1.8 GHz but I want to get new processors, I can't find some faster ones around 2.0 GHz not OC'd, can someone help me find where the cheapest ones that are 2.0 GHz. Oh yeah they are Socket A.


    Also I have another question about Dual Processors, can you have 2 AMD 2000+ XP that are Socket A?

  3. How does a live cd work? Do you burn it on a CD-RW or a CD-R? How do you save the settings and save your work if it is a CD-R? Will a Thumb drive work? Could you burn the ISO onto a Thumb drive and have it work like that or does it have to be a CD?


    Im not good with the software end of the computer, but I am trying to get a little better with it. Thanks guys.

  4. How exactly do you OC the RAM? I know you go into the BIOS and you can change some of the settings and you can crank up the Voltage going to the RAM, but there are alot of other settings that are there, what do you change and how does it work, does it give it more availble space or just speed up the RAM so you can fit more in there and it can delete it better? What do all the settings do?

  5. I have a wireless network in my home, and I have one netowrk adapter, could I by any chance use the wireless adapter to connect to my computer and then have the internet from that connection sent from computer one with the wireless adapter to another computer through an ethernet cable? I dont know if it is possible, but it would save me a bit of money from having to get another wireless adapter. Thanks for the help guys.

  6. My Microsoft Wireless Network Adapter works fine but it does seem to be a little slow, I know my Linksys boradband Wireless gateway can crank out more than it is getting. I know its not my connection because the computer that it is running off of gets good internet and is fast, so it must be because of the adapter so would anyone be able to tell me what a better adapter would be? I dont have any PCI slots availble on my mobo so the PCI card is not a choice.

  7. Thank you all for the help that you have given me. I think that I am going to try the knoppix because it sounds like I do not have to install it on my computer, it is a live cd, is this correct? Where would I be able to get this at? Just do a search for it on Google and download it and burn it to a cd?

  8. I want to install Red Hat on my machine, but before I do it, I want to know if it will support wireless networking. Currently I run Windows XP and I want to experiment on Red Hat. I want to be able to use the internet as well. We have a Linksys cable internet and wireless network unit in my family room on my parent

  9. alright thank you guys, it is when i first load the computer up and all that good stuff. i have pc alert III for my msi mobo run on startup and then when i run my css server or adobe photoshop CS its around 42 never much more than 45. one of the hsf is the standard one, and it gets up there really quickly. but thank you for the help.

    does anyone know of a good utility thats free to oc the cpu and ram from the windows desktop? can someone please send me a link or the name of a product that free online? i apreciate it very much

  10. Hey guys i have the 2 AMD MP 1.2GHz processors that are very nice and run stable when not overclocked. One of them has a better processor fan and you can tell the differance because there is a differance in the temperatures of about 3-4C. They are overclocked to 1.8GHz and they run around 40C, going over 40C every once and a while. What temperature should they be at? Is that a good temperature or should they be running cooler? Thank you for the help and taking the time to read this forum. Have a great day guys!

  11. i do not think that switching the sticks of ram will help you out at all, what kind of a motherboard is it? from there you can find out how ram you can use in there, it may be possible depending on how old that it is, you cant use the desired amout of ram. do you have an os installed on it yet?


    haha...most teachers would not accept that excuse for a late paper

  12. Hey guys I am new to overclocking RAM and even CPU. But I have my 1.2 CPUs (duals) running at 1.4. I was wondering if overclocking ram is good or bad and also how i would go about doing this. I know where to go in bios to change the cycles or what ever but i dont know what that means and i also dont know what in the world i would change them to.

    i would apreciate any input on this topic and my situation. thanx for the help

  13. you dont need a super fast connection for a lil game like that. I use my dual processors as a server for my clan every once and a while. I have the standard comcast cable internet and i have had up to like 16 people in there, my max. they only had a ping of around high 70s to low 90s. Not too bad for a standard comcast cable connection. Think to keep in mind is that you do not want to host a server and play cs:s on the same machine, it will screw everything up. I have a laptop that I play on. My setup works nice.



  14. Hey guys I am in the process of overclocking my dual processor system. I know I have been told it is very crazy and I should not do it but....I want to.

    What CPU Fans should I get? I have a newer thermalake cpu cooler one one processor and the other has the standeard heat sink and fan. I was looking at this one to get for both of them...is this a wise choice? And I know it is out of stock but I will wait till it gets back in or look at what you guys think I should get!




    Please get back to me ont his one guys! I do not want to spend a fortuine on them, thats the thing I have to keep in mind when Im looking, I have to get 2 of them!


    Also what is a good temp for the processors to be running at? is 30C ish good? or should it go lower. Is it going to hurt it if it goes to 43-15?



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