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Posts posted by gotdamojo06

  1. check out my FS thread if you need a GPU, a few older models but they will give you a little bit better graphics if you do decide to game with the setup


    like others have suggested, I would look into a different PSU, they can be pretty decent price if you are looking for a low wattage one.


    Adding this PSU will bring your total to roughly 510$

  2. Gotdamojo06's For Sale


    All prices below include standard shipping to the Continental US. All parts are OEM style as in no accessories included with them unless otherwise stated.


    Payments will be made through PayPal...send me a PM if you are interested in anything and we will make plans for payment and shipment.


    Product will be shipped the following business day after payment is received unless it is a weekend, then it will go out the following Monday.


    I am open to trades, make an offer with a trade or a decent price on an item and we can work something out!




    65$ - Patriot DDR3 2000MHz 9-9-9-24 @ 2.0v 2x2GB



    55$ - Geil DDR3 1600MHz 7-7-7-24 @ 1.9V 2x1GB



    55$ - Aeneon DDR3 1600MHz CL9 @ 1.5V 2x1GB



    50$ - Aeneon DDR3 1333MHz 8-8-8-15 @ 1.5V 2x1GB



    50$ - Geil DDR2 800MHz 4-4-4-12 @ 2.0V 2x2GB







    None right now :(



    Video Cards


    None right now :(





    65$ - Mionix Naos 5000



    60$ - WarMouse Meta



    55$ - Mionix Naos 3200







    130$ - E8400







    Diamond All-In-Wonder HD5000 to camaro_dude15

    Q9450 to CowKing

    Gigabyte GA-X58-USB3 to Bosco

    Sapphire HD4870 Toxic to Bosco

    Sapphire HD5550 to Bosco

    Sapphire HD5550 Ultimate to Bosco

    ASUS EAH5750 to Bosco

    PowerColor HD5770 to Bosco

    Axle GT210 to Bosco

    Cooler Master Inferno to Boinker

    Logitech G500 to Dr_Bowtie

    ASUS ENGTS450 TOP to Dr_Bowtie


    150$ - Q9450

    50$ - Logitech G500


    45$ - Cooler Master Inferno

    55$ - Sapphire HD4870 Toxic


    60$ - Sapphire HD5550


    60$ - Sapphire HD5550 Ultimate (Passive Cooling)


    65$ - Sapphire HD5670 Ultimate (Passive Cooling)


    75$ - ASUS EAH5750


    90$ - PowerColor HD5770


    30$ - Axle GT210


    95$ - ASUS GTS450


    130$ - Gigabyte GA-X58-USB3


  3. Agreed on the price...


    Stand-Alone Video Adapter:


    The next testing up is going to be seeing if the Diamond USB PC to TV HDMI Adapter is going to be able to display a video signal to my monitor with out an internal video card being installed in the system. To accomplish this, I am going to pull out the Diamond HD5570 video card from my system, while it is off of course, and restart the system with the monitor only being attached to the Diamond USB PC to TV HDMI Adapter to see if I am going to get any sort of video display and try and make it into Windows. This unfortunately did not come out how I had hoped - when I pulled the video card out and tried to restart using just the Diamond PC USB to TV HDMI Adapter, I was unable to get any display on my monitor.


    I tried to see if it would work without a GPU installed in the system

  4. I didnt even look, but yeah you need SATA III, thought yours had it but I didnt look... so yeah you will need to stay with the SATA II


    yes you can download them to a flash drive and then install off that to your pc when its all put together, you may just want to wait for updated versions of the files if there are once your ready though...

  5. @gotdamojo06 - thanks for the HDD suggestions. I'm ordering a 300GB Velociraptor (OS and Apps) and 2x 1TB WD Caviar Black HDDs to store everything else. BTW, I'm from MI also - where you from?


    @Black6464 - Thanks for helping clarify my needs/question. I'll try to be more clear....


    OK, what i'm asking is "how do i configure all the components of my PC if i don't have all the drivers/setup CDs for these components like the GPU, mobo, CD/DVD drives, monitor, etc?"


    Would all the settings for these components need to be re-configured when i put in the new HDD's and OS?


    I'm thinking it's pretty much like a completely new PC b/c i'll be adding new HDD's and OS (from a software perspective)- right?


    My friend assembled/configured my rig and shipped it to me so i'll be reading the "How to successfully build a computer" sticky!!!!




    Im in a smaller town right outside of Flint, what about you?



    for the GTX 285, go here and select all of the required info from the drop downs, I would send a link but not sure what OS you are going to be using...


    for the ASUS P6T Deluxe V2, go here and go to the download tab and you will be able to find all of your downloads that you need for your motherboard such as an updated BIOS, Chipset, Audio, LAN, and SATA drivers. you will also be able to find a bunch of utilities here, like TurboV so you can overclock in Windows :)


    and yes, it would be just like putting together a new computer, as far as software goes, when you are replacing all of the HDDs


    you may want to check out that seagate drive I suggested, it is SATA 6.0Gb/s with a 64MB Cache instead of the 3.0Gb/s and the 32MB Cache...just a suggestion if you havnt purchased...not sure if you were planning on putting the 2x1TB drives in RAID or not and Im not even 100% sure if they would be faster than the seagate then...just something to consider


    anything else, just ask

  6. Hmm, looks neat; how does it compare to the R.A.T 7?


    Ive never played with the RAT 7, just the ones listed in the review, so I wouldnt be able to answer that question for you. I can say that if you are a fan of griping the mouse and holding on to it tight, you would like this one.

  7. Welcome to OCC!! You will love it here and to get your feet wet, it is a little dated but check out THIS link and you should get a better idea of what overclocking is.


    If you have any questions as to what to do with your computer and where to begin to overclock, please dont be afraid to ask, we will help you the best we can!! now get to reading then try it out. Steer clear of software overclocking, do it in the BIOS :) You shouldnt really be able to mess anything up as long as you dont start going crazy with voltages...


    Putting your full system specs in your sig will be helpful for the people helping you and good luck!

  8. Liking what Gigabyte had on show :D



    They did have some nice stuff here this year, the new motherboards do look pretty promising, i cannot wait to get my hands on one and see how well it starts overclcoking :D



    We are trying to get more coverage up for you guys here soon, so please stay tuned and checking back in the article for more updates. And Andrew is not kidding when he said the internet connection out here is horrible in the hotel room.


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