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Same WIndows install issue-new mobo

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Whoa, so it was your cable that had the problem? I would doubt that my cables are crap cause I used all the ones that came with the board...


I don't know if its my board either. Seems like it can't hit a high HTT so hopefully my board isn't the one crapping out. This is really pising me off cause I've pretty much done everything to try and fix this. I will give the new RAID drivers a go today and check wiring, btw, do you have your optical drives on IDE1 or IDE2?


And oh yes, does anyone have a good program to test your harddrives? The one that maxtor has does not support NF4 nor RAID.

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Either my older IDE cables were bad or I did not have the master connection properly connected. It seemed that I would get to the same place in loading windows XP before crapping out just like you. Changing to the IDE cables from DFI have certainly gotton me in the right direction.

As far as testing your hard disks, Seagate has a program that works well with other manufacturer hard drives. You can download it from their web site.

I did not finish, I had to go to my day job. I did spend over 24 hours on this and am not happy with myself. I still am optimistic that I can finish. I still have to finish WIndowsXP install, SP2, drivers, my original programs, Audigy2 ZS sound, and my IDE HDD which I use for a backup.

Also I did change the IDE connection on the motherboard to the connection closest to the edge of the board ( I am away from the diagram data which is at home).

Good luck. PM if you have any ideas to bounce off someone else.

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