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Man, They're Going After Our Pics!


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Ok, if your like me, and you can't get enough of late night porn pics, then your not gonna like this article :( . Doesn't it feel good knowing that a virus must be an executable file? Thats fine for us pic fanatics, we just want our simple little data file. Well, now even jpg's, gif's, art's, and ALL other data files are prone to viruses just like exe's. So make sure you have a good virus scanner! And don't open your pics ONCE you get them. Wait until your done, then update your virus definitions - scan - and then look at the pics. It's better to be safe than sorry. Well, heres a link to one article on this matter, I am sure you can find more if you need more details.



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yeah, but doesn't that program infect a data file.....making that infected data file a new carrier of the virus? I gotta read some more articles on it, that one isnt very informative, but it gets the word out.

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"The virus is built to spread first as an executable, or .exe, file and then in JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) image files, he said. The virus, were it to be spread in the wild, would appear as an executable which would infect JPEGs when it was run, he said. The executable can be transmitted in standard ways, such as by downloading and via e-mail. The first JPEG viewed after the executable is run will have the virus code appended to it, Gullotto said. The virus will then seek out other JPEG files in the same directory and try to infect them, he said."


Looks like your right. You do have to download an .exe, which inturn "infects" your jpeg files. I wonder what they mean by "infects"? I guess the file is corrupted and you can no longer view it.


Thanks for clearing that up. I'm still gonna backup my pics and update more often over the next few weeks, can never be 2 safe w/ those!


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ahhh..... the more hardcore the porn the more worst the virus it is!!! It is god's way of saying " you are bad, go root ya wife or sumthing" hahah just joking Rated -R bad newz!

I recommend using Norton Antivirus 2002, good app!

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I have had friends who had Norton installed and gotten a bug or two, I have used AVG Free edition for 3 years, I love it, Any E-mail is scanned as it is being received and certifies all out going mail. It has picked up I-Worm variants the second the E-mail hits my comp. Quarinteens it and the gets rid of it. I highly recomend it, grisoft.com.

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d00d.. I liek norton.. but I want something that is going to be free.. and doesnt charge me 50 bucks after 2 years to renew my subscription.. LoL...


Norton can lick my left nut when it comes to updating my subscription..



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