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i got a copy from both futuremark and

major geek. when i try to run it putr

locks up. whats up i m sure its probly

one of my setting. ware to look

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Guest Joalaielna

Can you run Prime95, or any othery CPU intensive program? Your system could still be ustable.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My similar machine would crash to desktop after the first test in 3DMark05. I had trouble installing the nVidia drivers, and I had uninstalled and reinstalled them, but I think that never really resolved the problem.

After reformatting and reinstalling the OS, and installing nothing but the XP patches and the 77.77 nVidia drivers, everything was cured and 3DMark05 worked.

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I think you mean 3dmark05, but anyway, that's a sign of instabilty, probably from too high of an overclock. Try turning down your HTT (or FSB) to start. If this doesn't work I'd try playing with all the ram settings.

I see you almost got that cpu up to 3ghz, maybe this is too high.

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