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nVidia says you dont need a sli bridge anymore

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ok so 11 tries later and an excavation

{big pit on board} my ultra has decided

to go to sli again. i used the cuircut

writer on it. i guess this proves that

it is only a contact issue. so if it doesnt

work for you the first time keep at till

it duz. thanks x roade.

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Guest kris

Took me about 4 attempts with circut writer before I could get it to read as SLI. I have not had problems since though.

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so get this mr roadie

i have a bridge on my

rig. ran am3 score 84,731

thats with it posting sli

just now my rig decided it

was nf4 standard again

so ran am3 again and

scored 87,282. what do you


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I get an AM3 score of almost 60K with a single 6600GT so your score is about right for 2@6600GT in SLI.


The number difference between those two scores is within the margin of error for the test so I wouldn't worry about that.


so get this mr roadie

i have a bridge on my

rig. ran am3 score 84,731

thats with it posting sli

just now my rig decided it

was nf4 standard again

so ran am3 again and

scored 87,282. what do you


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