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XP Pro setup prob with 875P-T

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Just managed to get a new bios chip for my 640 and thought my problems where over :(, I just tried installing XP Pro on my c drive, booted from disk ok, ran though the initial setup process, format c drive etc, I thought everything was fine, that was untill my pc reset to complete the setup process. Robooted, ran the mem test, detected all the drives, etc, then I get a message saying "error loading from operating system" !!


Need help :(

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i followed ur instructions, and i even tried changing the drives access, and instead of the error message, the drive was just hanging, i tried 1 memory stick then the other, in dual and normal slots, still no go :(

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Swapping the hard drive has done the trick, installing XP right now, thanks for ur help Goober :D


Was the hard drive you got to work IDE or Sata? I feel your pain, it took me probably 6-8 tried to get Windows installed when I first got this board on an IDE drive. I tried 1 stick of ram, unplugging EVERYTHING that wasn't needed, and I really still don't know what got it to install finally. :confused:


Glad you got it to work though!! :)

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Anytime! :D


The manufacturer of the hard drive should have a low-level format utility available for you to download and run. This would 1) basically return the hard drive to it's original format from when you first bought it and 2) identify any soft or hard sector errors if they are present.

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