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Smartguardian Temps

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HI, I was running Prime 95 and the actual temps are:


CPU = 46 C

PWM IC = 48 C



Please see the attached picture

The ones I think is high are PWM IC and the CHIPSET temps


What do you guys think??

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Your PWMIC temps are fine take a look at ExRoadie Post here. Here is the complete thread if you want to read.


Also your Chipeset temp are what others are running at prime do a search and you will find similar results. I'm priming now and mine is at 51C.


If you are concerned on about your chip set temps do a seach and you will find a thread talking about removing your chipset fan and replacing with other TIM to lower those temps.


My CPU temps is running 47,47C while priming. I have my vcore set to 1.325 + 126%


hope this helps

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I just installed Smart Guardian just now and it seems the temps are in the wrong place, at least according to Everest. In Everest the cpu is in the 40's but in SG the cpu temp is in the 20s instead. There is low temp like that in Everest but its called Auxillary. Very confused :drool:

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