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NFII Ultra infinity Guru required - difficulties with XP3200

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Hi guys,


After having success with the Lpb and the XP3200 (after a VERY long journey).....


A freind has got his hands on a NFII Ultra Infinity and an XP3200....


Knowing I have a some spare Kingston RAM and have built a similar system, he asked that I do the 'business'


I am having 'Deja Vu'


Even though I have ALL the 'quality' bits (i.e. RAM ) and have flashed to the latest Bios (including trying 6/19) the rig fails to be stable at optimised defaults (i.e. 200fsb)


Is there anything different on this board to the Lpb I should be aware of ??


The symptons are completely random reboots/BSOD's etc at optimised defaults...


Anything upto 180fsb @ 1:1 = SWEET !! ROCK SOLID HEAVEN....


Confirmed RAM in memtest @ test number 5..... nowt.. (just to put my mind a rest)


I will be swapping his cpu / graphics / ram for mine and vice verse.......


but in the meantime I was wondering if anyone had already had similar experiences (i.e. build one that works...... and one that doesn't ... even though they are primarily the same)


Also, from reviewing the bios's, I see there are like versions for both Lpb and Ultra Infinity.......


Are they interchangeable ??


Any comments suggestions would be greatly received....... appart from 'Ditch the Xp3200' ... LOL :shake:


I'll be busy testing/building/rebuilding....... and will pop back shortly........


Thanks in advance





have installed windows etc at 180fsb..... and ALL runs fine at that..... :(

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The LanParty B and Infinity are virtually the same boards, the only differences really being cosmetic and the extras you get with the LanParty B.


From my observations it seems that the older(unlocked?) 3200's have better joy running in the DFI's than the newer locked ones. Which have you got Legacy? And whats your mate got?


I know Kingston stopped supporting certain NFII boards with certain Ram(chips) so maybe its worth trying out your Ram in his board. Might even be worth trying his 3200 in your board too, with your configuration?


The 3000/3200 problem isn't just subject to DFI's either, they seem to be a problem in some other Nforce2 boards. The most recent i've seen was with a 3000 in an Aopen Nforce2.

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Hey Legacy,

I'd have to agree with Sharpside and King of nothing. I've heard there's very little difference between the two boards.


I can confirm the the 11/24 bios works with a 3200+ (locked) at 200fsb. Atleast on the Lpb. I had some issues with audio sync and the ati tv tuner video. Otherwise ran stable and fast. I was not how ever able to adjust the bios with anything other than optimized defaults let alone aggressive or expert timmings. Also would not accept any voltage changes what so ever without crashing. That being said, and as you are aware my set up still has issues but the 11/24 is the only one that would run the 200fsb for me. I should also mention when I used that bios I had 2x512mb corsair value select ram, which got changed some xms bh5's

All considered I think you should atleast try it and maybe i should go back to it but I just got the bios savior in the mail and before I flash it I want to make sure it's the right one for me.

Oh! maybe you should post a sig of the system in question.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys,


Thanks for the replies......... :shake:


Sorry for not giving earlier updates.......... :confused: ........... been hectic !!


K then....


I've swapped and changed things in a methodical way from my system to the new one...


It has proven that the CPU is bad....


When I put my XP3200 in the new system..... all is well...... No BSOD... NO freeze..... I've also run prime95...... :cool:


When I use the new XP3200............. random freeze/reboots (we all know the story) on trying Prime 95, it will not run and post an error immediately.....


Pop the Cpu into my system.... and EXACTLY the same..............


Drop the FSB to 180..... on either system and it seems ROCK solid......


So...... I'm RMA'ing the CPU


Hopefully the next one will be upto scratch......


I WILL WIN :nod:





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  • 4 weeks later...

Just thought I'd update you..........


Had a refund for the Xp3200............


........... purchased another........ :nod: - Oh NO !! I hear you cry !!


Got it yesterday............ installed it........... ALL seems to be fine....


Funny thing is........ I have a single stick of unbranded memory in there PC3200 cl 2.5 3 3 3 8 ..................


I upped the RAM to 3v just to be on the safe side.....


I've loaded XP..... all the updates........loaded software onto it...... left it run over night ................ still on the same screen this morning !!!!!!



I have also installed a SATA drive to replace the 'aged' IDE ones my freind had..... and put each optical drive on it's own channel.............


Suggested he bins the IDE drives !!! :shake:


Oh yeah.......... all on the 11/24 bios........


Given it back to him this morning.............. and await any phone cals with the words BSOD in them LOL







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Well i hope its sorted now, keep us posted on how it goes Phil and thanks for keeping us informed :)


You know i'm starting to think theres a certain batch/stepping? of 3200 out there that just doesn't like these boards because i can't believe all of these problems are down to bad 3200's as such. Shame you didn't note down the stepping of the older one you had problems with just for reference, then everyone else with problematic 3200's do the same and ones who have no(or few, but i guess we won't get many ppl who don't have any issues with their 3200's posting in this support forum lol) problems post theirs to see if we can start to see any kind of pattern...


I'd have been wary about giving the Ram 3v without knowing anything about it but as long as you have decent cooling in there it should be ok. I set myself a limit of 2.9v on Ram i don't know much about, just to be on the safe side.

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I did take loadsa photo's of it while I was installing it and having the trouble............ but I cannot beleive it :sad: ........... they are ALL out of focus..........


there is one that 'may' allow you to identify it (if you got a good eye - and know what you are looking for) :(


I'll have to post it up after, to see if some of you hawk eyes can manage it !! ;)



However, this is mine..... which works a treat! :shake:


Any comments



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A KQYHA week 14 2004. So its a locked one then and works fine, thats great :)

What Bios are you using with that Legacy and what Drivers?


Yeah post the other pic. Might be able to touch it up in Photoshop or something to make it more visible.

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A KQYHA week 14 2004. So its a locked one then and works fine, thats great :)

What Bios are you using with that Legacy and what Drivers?


Yeah post the other pic. Might be able to touch it up in Photoshop or something to make it more visible.



Mmmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :confused:


If it is locked............. I shouldn't be able to change the multi...... should I ??


I have done and checked it with CpuZ..... which confirmed it.... along with the FSB...


mmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhh :confused:


I'm thinking that the above picture, may be in fact the xp3200 that was sent back.............. and the Blurry piccies are of mine !!! LOL :shake:



I'll be taking mine apart this weekend to confirm........ :sweat:



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Having 'successfully' loaded XP...... updates.... antivirus.... etc etc onto my mates 'new PC' ......


I gave it back to him.......


I was expecting a cal to tell me about a BSOD.............. but NO............. He says there is NO sound...... WTF......


This was the only thing I did not test........... :(


I've had a look at it............. done the Nvidia Storm sound setup.......... plugged the speaker jack into each socket .... and Nowt....


Reinstall the drivers from the disc..... and still nowt.... :(


With the Nvidia setup........ it shows the equalisers....... and they move quite happily wile playing a CD......... however NOWT Outta the speakers.....


(Speakers are working and tried an alternative set.....)


Any suggestions??


Seperate sound card ??


Many thanks in advance



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