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Dfi Lan 250 Gb

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Hey guys my computer has been wierd the past few days. i re formatted 2 times and still getting the same thing. he is wat the deal is. when im online and searching the internet using mozilla firefox ,OPERA, or IE they all close on me saying that an error occured. and it happens instantly or in a few mins. also my computer just restarts itself for no reason. and thats not even overclocking it. i think there is something majorly wrong with it. even with bios change it still does it. wat can i do, is there a way to send DFI my mobo for an RMA or new 1? thanx guys

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First off, you need to disable 'restart on error'


Go to:


Control Panel>System>Advanced, and hit the settings button under 'Startup and Recovery' and uncheck 'Automatically Restart'.


This'll let you see what the error causing the restart is.


Armed with this info, we can make a more intelligent guess as to where the problem is, though it sounds like either a driver conflict or a RAM issue to me.

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  • 3 months later...

If you got it I got a strange one!

My Lan card detected succesfully but it can't connected to other pc's on my network.

I'm pinging, and always got err.msg : request time out neither host unreachable, althought I set the configuration as well as [ both on windows or linux]


any one can help me?

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If you got it I got a strange one!

My Lan card detected succesfully but it can't connected to other pc's on my network.

I'm pinging, and always got err.msg : request time out neither host unreachable, althought I set the configuration as well as [ both on windows or linux]


any one can help me?



Are you using DHCP or a static IP?

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