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Help with system lockups!!

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I have a Windows XP Professional system setup in the following:


LanParty Ultra nVidia AMD

AMD Athlon XP-M clocked at 166x12 (was 220x10, but lowered it)

HyperX 1gb ram

Raptor 36gb (Boot drive)

Barracuda 80gb

WD 160gb

GeForce 6800


The system was starting to act odd: iTunes taking 5 mins to open, same with other apps.

When booting, windows logo takes 5x as long as it used to (about 1.5 mins now), goes to a grey screen for about 3-5 mins, boots into windows as was fine.


Downloaded BootVis and ran it, upon rebooting, the system locked up at the windows logo. Tried booting into safe mode, and it would lock up there as well.


Inserted my WinXP cd and formated the raptor and began reinstalling winxp. After copying the files to the HD, upon rebooting to install, the system hung after the prompt for "Boot from CD press any key....." and hung there. I tried installing on an IDE drive.... same thing. I tried new IDE cables, same thing.


After disconnecting everything (extra drives, TV tuner, Modem, cold cathodes), and attempting, locking up, attempting, locking up, I was finally able to get windows installed. I set up my network, had internet access and installed the following things:

Nvidia onboard sound drivers

USB 2.0 Drivers

Nvidia chipset drivers

Nvidia display drivers


When the system rebooted, which I chose to do after the display drivers, like I have MANY times before... I locked up again, at the windows logo screen, after the blue bar had cycled once. I rebooted, same place same thing. Tried Safe Mode, locked up after the onscreen text.


The only thing that I can think of is the LanParty motherboard. Since I tried an install on the SATA and IDE drive, I also tried disabling the IDE channels on the motherboard and using a SIIG ultra IDE card... same results.


I am at a complete loss. I don't wanna go out and buy a new MB, only to find out that isn't the problem. HELP! What the hell else could be the problem? Or IS it the motherboard??

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