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Installing XP System hangs or crashes???

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Got my new set up the other day, but cant install windows XP?

Tried installing it on to a sata HD Maxtor 80gig but it only gets to 11% of the formatting HD and just stays there?


Then tried installing windows on to a 40gig IDE HD it formats it then gets the system ready for windows to be installed does the restart, then shows the windows boot up screen but then it comes up with a blue screen saying:

c000021 {bad image check sum} The image comdlg32.dll is possibly corrupt. The header check sum does not match the computer check sum?

When it should finish installing windows?


so what am I doing wrong??


have only got the 40gig HD nd DVD-RW on ide 1 +

using 1 stick of ram in slot 2


if it was a psu problem then why would it get this far with out any problems then suddenly give up?



Amd 64 Xp 3000

DFI nf4 sli-d

350w psu 20pin

2 x 256 ram am only using 1 at present

128mb ati radeon 300

160gig maxtor ide

200gig maxtor ide

40gig maxtor ide

80gig maxtor sata

pioneer 109 dvd-rw

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