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nF4 Ultra-d boot problems

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Ever once and a while, when windows boots, the little bar thing will go about half way, stop, go some more, stop, go again, etc. When it does this, it takes about 5 minutes to boot. It seemed to do this most often when I had changed some setting in the bios or OS.


I thought it was my nvidia IDE drivers, because I've heard bad things about them, so I rolled back the IDE drivers. Now it seems to be worse.


With the nvidia drivers, I could reboot and it'd start like normal. With the microsoft ones, I'd reboot once, and it'd do the same thing again, then I'd reboot and it load windows but give me no image, then I'd reboot again and it'd be fine. It did this consistantly.


Any one know what this could be?




Edit: I switched back to nvidia IDE drivers, and its happening much less often, but still happening.

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