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NF4 Ultra-D - Memtest fail

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Amd 64 3200+

Lanparty UT NF4 Ultra-D

1 GB Corsair XMS3200C2 (512mb x 2)

XFX GeForce 6600GT

2 x 120 GB Maxtor SATA on RAID 0

Nec 3500 16X DVD Writer

OCZ Powerstream 520W

Bios 2/09


I have not overclocked my system yet. All the voltages and set up are by default. After flashed to bios 2/9. when running memtest I am getting erros during the Test # 5. I don't think is a problem with my ram since I was using the same sticks in my other computer and running the same test (win a P4 system).


What do you think I have to do? Increase the voltage for the ram?


Another thing: Should I use the yellow slots for the pair of rams or the orange ones. Actually they are placed on the orange ones (slots 2 & 4)



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what is your vdimm setting? I'd keep just one stick (top orange) in and put the voltage to 2.9 and memtest it. If it works add the other stick and memtest it.

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I have 2 TwinX kits of XMS3200C2 and I have taken both of them up to 3.3V with no issue. They are revisions 1.2 and 5.1. The warranty is void above 2.8V though so be careful.


Also I have heard rumors of false errors on older versions of memtest, the best support for nForce4 boards is Memtest86+ v1.51.

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I don't mean to hijack this thread but I've also been having issues with ram in my DFI Ultra D. I sent back the Crucial Ballistix and just tried OCZ 3200 EL Plat Rev2 and am still failing test #6 on memtest86+ 1.51


I'm growing very tired of this and wish someone had an answer...

I've also used Microsofts "Windows memory tester" which also runs in dos.

Fails that too...


What gives?

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what's is a good overcloking set up for this system? I am new with AMD and DFI. I had a P4 overclocked from 2.4 at 3.023 GHZ limited by the memory



It'll depend on your cpu and the stepping on it. Your memory shouldn't hold you back too much. I think it will be CPU dependent. Just keep searching for others with similar hardware to yours and try there settings. OCing a DFI isn't simple, but it is rewarding once you figure it out.

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