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Setting Up A Red Hat Web And Ftp Server

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How do i set up a red hat 8 web and ftp server?

Do i need a domain name and how would i set it to handle incoming connections

finally - how much HD storage should i jhave - the machine i have only has 8GB

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How to setup a web server:






As far as setting up an FTP server, it depends on what server software you use.



I've used:


http://proftpd.linux.co.uk/ - What I use



All you need is an IP address really, having a registered domain name makes things a bit easier. In the simplest setup, you set Apache to goto a certain spot when someone request http://yourip:80 (or http://www.yourdomainname.com:80), and the FTP software will say gosomewhere if someone request http://yourip:21 (or http://www.yourdomainname.com:21).


As far as disk space, it depends on what all you want to do. Most web sites are very small and only take up a few megs worth of spce, but if you are going to have flash, large images, downloads, etc you can quickly start using a lot of space... and since you are setting up an FTP server as well, sounds like you'll be using a lot of space.

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