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NF4 DFI SLI-D: BSOD when installing audigy 2, x850xtpe not recognised

Guest Down1oader_merged

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Guest Down1oader

thats right im still installing, i tried sticking in my audigy 2 cd, as soon as i press install it give me the BSOD and my pc reboots.

Installed the newest omega drivers based on 5.1 catalyst, i got to display properties and it isnt there! it says this in adapter unavailable then i click properties for the adapter and it says Vga-save service, mode system, status started

under resources there are conflicts which are as follows


Input/Output Range 03B0 - 03BB used by:

nForce4 PCI-Express Root Port

Input/Output Range 03C0 - 03DF used by:

nForce4 PCI-Express Root Port

Memory Range 000A0000 - 000BFFFF used by:

nForce4 PCI-Express Root Port


my x850 is in pcie 1 my audigy 2 is in my bottom pci slot and my karajan is plugged in as normal.


i cant believe its taking so long to setup this system....


think i should also mention what is not recognised in device manager bearing in mind i should only have to install the audigy 2 and x850


multimedia audio controller

pci input device

video controller

video controller (vga compatible)


nforce chipset drivers installed are 6.39

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Guest bradmax57

mmm i havent tried mine yet although I couldnt get it to install properly on my nf3 setup? not very helpful i know

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So you installed a FRESH copy of win xp w/ sp2, i assuming, right?


What order did you install your drivers once you got into windows?


If your using Audigy 2 , you have disabled the onboard audio in the bios under the "genie bios" right? Default is "auto".

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Guest Down1oader

ok installed fresh sp2, installed:


marvel lan drivers

usb 2 drivers

nforce drivers

audio realtek drivers

turned off ac 97 in bios from auto

installed sp2


installed graphics card drivers nothing worked

tried to get audigy 2 load but it bsods as soon as in press install in the setup menu!

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sounds like a problem with your dvd/cd drive. i have an audigy2 and x850xtpe installed as well. i had the same problem with consistent bsod everytime i loaded a cd into the drive. check your ide cables. i was using a pair of IOSS gladiator round ide cables (supposed to give better transfer rates and is well shielded) but it was incompatible with the dfi mobo as was my zippy psu. once i used the dfi supplied round cables all was well.

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Guest Down1oader

does xp sp2 and sp1 not come with .net framework????

i have been using all cables supplied with the mother board

going to try unplugging the karajan module, i like to have everything installed just incase but i reckon this could be my main problem, gonna have some holes at the back of my case now, and the fact that theres a plastic thing on the module plugging into the motherboard means i have to unscrew the mother and pull it out again! omg.

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Guest Down1oader

ok uninstalled karajan audio module used driver cleaner to get rid of ati stuff installed .net 1.1 from microsoft download centre then i installed catalyst 5.2, x850xtpe now works!!!!!! ok now to fix my audigy 2....

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Guest Down1oader

ok now ive tried installing the sound cards drivers and my system wont do it! it detects the creative audigy 2 wdm processor but half way through installing its drivers it says data invalid! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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Guest Down1oader

tried going to regedit and setting permissions to full control, didnt work, now trying other pci slot...

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