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'Infinite' loop with Infinity.

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I recently stumbled across these forums and (somewhat poetically) recently discovered some issues with my DFI board. I’m not an insane overclocker, but I do like to play a bit. I have a 2500+ Mobile processor sitting in my Infinity board.


I’m not sure if all this is recent (ie since my last flash to the official 2004/11/19 bios, or if the symptoms were present before. In any case, here it goes:


Basically, my proc defaults to 800Mhz. No probs. I change that to defaults (14x133 @ 1.45v) and away it goes. Now I’ve been reading a bit here and noticed that some people were having trouble changing too many settings at once, so I took that advice.


I slowly moved it up to where I want to be: 11x200 @ 1.55v and everything’s fine. Then I go to tweak ram timings a little, or do some misc change in the BIOS, and suddenly my system will get to just before the WinXP screen would pop up, and restart. From this point, no settings can cure the endless loop I get into. I get the message asking me if I want to start windows normally, and it restarts – endlessly. The only cure seems to be loading optimal defaults and starting all over.


It’s getting rather annoying… so any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Guest zerocash

Most likely more voltage is needed (memory, cpu) or a better power supply. Post the memory timings you are trying out.

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Got a similar problem as yours...my solution was raising the voltages...


It seems to me at this point that DFI Infinity REALY likes high voltages, because on ALL my other boards i could run my processor (2500m) at 2400mhz whith 1.55v EASILY, but in this one, 1.625 or 1.65 is ALWAYS required, even whith lower speeds...


My recomendation, u should try this:

agp at 1.6v

dimm at 2.7v

chipset at 1.7


And AFTER i set up these i go try the vcore...start whith something like 1.6v on the default speed, then u keep going up until u reach the 1.675 mark (DO NOT try anything higher then this whithout a watter cooler or something like that...its not good;)


Another thing u should try is getting back to the 19/06/2004 BIOS, my computer is handling MUCH better whith this then the newest one ;)


Later. :cool:

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Thanks for the replies. But why would more votage be needed? Once I hit the point where the first reboot happens, even if I go back to stock settings (133x 14) it still does the same thing. It isn't until I reload optimal settings that I can get into windows again. Odd.


I will try going back to the mentioned bios. I have a feeling a lot of this was brought on with the newest bios although I can't be sure: my 2nd system with a similar config has similar symptoms (but older bios).


Oh, and as far as power.... I do have a Thermaltake SilentPower 560w w/ active PFC. I should think that it would be enough decent power, especially just to get stuff running @ stock or close to stock speeds!

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*711 gives good advice, though he's pretty cautious on the amount of voltage. Most people will say that no more than 1.85 volts or 55 degrees, whatever comes first. As far as your RAM goes, you can easily pump 3 volts through them without any problems. I also found on my rig that I had to raise the AGP voltage slightly to get the board solid, as many other people on here have had to do.

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Originally posted by Invincible

Then I go to tweak ram timings a little, .



I believe there is a program that will allow you to try and change the mem timings in windows .. this will let you check for stability and not kill your bios chip..


I agree with Spritzup that *711 did give you some sound advice.. but is a little hesitant with the voltage.. if your coolingtemps are good then dont be afraid to bump things up some.. sometimes ch5 ram likes more voltage.. and 2.8-2.9 is nothing compared to what some of us put to ours 24-7....


My backup rig ( Infinity ) runs 240x10 with 1.75vcore and 3v vdimm all the time.. when that was my primary rig it was running 3.3vdimm and 1.8vcore.. :)


btw.. which ram timings did you change that made it screw up..?

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Originally posted by THunDA


btw.. which ram timings did you change that made it screw up..?


That's a good question. I believe... it was changing it from 7-2-2-2 (which is the default 'turbo' settings that were applied way back in one of my CMOS Reloaded saves, to 11-2-3-2 because I remembered the TwinMOS liked trcd of 3. Yeah, strange seeing as I was actually loosening them.


I haven't spent much time playing with my system since my first post simply because I was getting too frustrated with clearnig the cmos all the time. But tomorrow I'll have some spare time to fiddle with voltages a little more, and see what I come up with.


It's strange, because before I got a decent overclock with this config. I got 2646 out of it with a little effort, and now it's giving me a hard time just to hit 2200. I'm thinking that reverting to an older bios may do the trick. Thanks for all the input.

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So I've read. I have to sit down with a pencil I suppose and copy down settings I know once worked. I'm sure you've heard this question asked a billion times, but so you think it's worth it to use modified BIOSes? I haven't tried any with my DFI yet, but I have tried with some of my other boards. For the post part though, they didn't promise anything overclocking wise, just added features to cheaper boards.


Like THunDA, are you using a modified BIOS at all? Or are you simply using a stock BIOS? I know in either case I can't really use that to go on because it depends on from board to board, but I guess I'm hoping for a generalization. I notice some bioses are tweaked for whether you're using 256mb or 512mb modules etc... but considering I don't have any spare bioses or bios savior, I suppose I should stay away?


If so, was there any stock bios that stood out over the others when it came to o/cing?

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Originally posted by Invincible

That's a good question. I believe... it was changing it from 7-2-2-2 (which is the default 'turbo' settings that were applied way back in one of my CMOS Reloaded saves, to 11-2-3-2 because I remembered the TwinMOS liked trcd of 3. Yeah, strange seeing as I was actually loosening them.



That is pretty odd.. I didnt think ch5 liked 2-2-2 timings.. and yea dont load cmos reloaded saves from a different bios version like KoN said.. that will pee off the bios for sure..

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Originally posted by Invincible

but considering I don't have any spare bioses or bios savior, I suppose I should stay away?


If so, was there any stock bios that stood out over the others when it came to o/cing?


Well I wouldnt suggest flashing the modded ones without a backup plan.. Ive tried them and with MY system they didnt help me gain anything.. but all systems are different in how they react with a bios..


I use the official 6-19 on my Infinity and it works great..

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I'd suggest sticking to 6/19..... as it's theoretically the most mobile-friendly official bios. And I'd start working on a backup plan.


That is pretty odd.. I didnt think ch5 liked 2-2-2 timings..
I agree. My CH-5 won't do 2-2-2. Try 11-3-3-2 or 2.5. Mine seems pretty happy there.


When I had my LP-B set up I tried giving them more volts. I could get it to run 11-2-3-2 at about 3.2v... but it would still throw an occasional error.


Good Luck.

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