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I couldnt manage to resolvet this on my own...

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Well...this is REALY complicated, but i will try to make the things simple.


First, right when i bought my DFI Infinity it was all "fine", exept that the my Celeron300 computer bundled whith a PcChips board was 3 times faster...SO i updated the bios. The system was rock solid, even whith my overclock (14 x 166) and so i used it for a long time, except for the fact that FREQUENTELY the windows locked up on the boot screen, but, once i was inside the windows i could ran PRIME95 for HOURS whith no problem appearing...and so i lived haply until i came back from my trip for the holydays...


The system was booting indefinetely...it would just end loading windows then restart...i formated the PC and ereased all my partitions...when i tried to reinstal Windows it would just lock up while trying to copy the "Driver.cab" file.


I thought that it was a problem whith my DDR sticks (it was 2 DDR333 "Samsung" or my OLD HDD (Seagate 40) so i changed them both for a Maxtor SATA 80gb and a Kingston DDR400, but i still couldnt install windows.


After i tried a couple of things i restarted my BIOS by pressing INSERT and powering ON the system and them loading the Optimized defaults...so i could install the OS.


The problem i am facing now is that my PC locks up (the system FREEZES and sometimes even the BIOS beeps) every 10 or 20minutes (even thought ONE TIME i could run my system fine for some hours) and thats it...ONLY ON WINDOWS XP SP2!!!


My Linux Kurumin (running from the CD) goes smoothly for HOURS but the Windows is impossible to use :(


I am almost sending this board to RMA but i am not sure that it is the reason of my problems.


Any help would be GREATLY appreciated...



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Originally posted by king of nothing

Please make a sig so we know what we are dealing with.


Do you have problems when you run at optimized defaults?




Well...i made a sg, and now updated the post...


Another thing, YES...even on Optimized this annoying thing happens.


A friend gave me a hint but i am not sure...can this be an IRQ conflict?! I mean, the only PCI device i have its an ethernet card that i use to connect to the internet, if i start using the on-bard network will this helps?!


Tkz in advance. Later:cool:

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Well.... my first guess would be that your psu is crapping out on you. Or maybe you've added something recently so it's being slightly overloaded.


Maybe you just need a little more vcore. I've found that I can o/c a little better in linux with the same settings... so that _might_ explain the differences there.


Second thought... your XP installation is screwed.... or maybe you've got some weird driver conflict. That could also explain linux running fine. Have you tried reinstalling XP?


Third... The DFI sistas generally hate cas 3. I'd be surprised if it magically cleared stuff up... but it'd probably be wise to stick to 2.5 cas and 1:1 mem ratio.


IRQ conflict... I doubt it. Don't really know for sure, though.


Good Luck!

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Originally posted by king of nothing

Well.... my first guess would be that your psu is crapping out on you. Or maybe you've added something recently so it's being slightly overloaded.


Maybe you just need a little more vcore. I've found that I can o/c a little better in linux with the same settings... so that _might_ explain the differences there.


Second thought... your XP installation is screwed.... or maybe you've got some weird driver conflict. That could also explain linux running fine. Have you tried reinstalling XP?


Third... The DFI sistas generally hate cas 3. I'd be surprised if it magically cleared stuff up... but it'd probably be wise to stick to 2.5 cas and 1:1 mem ratio.


IRQ conflict... I doubt it. Don't really know for sure, though.


Good Luck!


First of all...tkz for the help, on the other places i tried to seek for some advice people couldnt do nothing. Dispite the fact that NOW i am kinda HATING badly the DFI products...his customer care and support staff are realy good.


Now to the answers:


1. I already tried some diferent combinations of ghzXvcoreXCAS. In some of my experiences i putted the CPU at 14x166 (stock) and the memories in 166 (1:1) so the cas went for somithing like 2.5/3/3/6. I also changed the vcore to 1.55, 1.575 and 1.6...all these at 10x200 on my CPU. I even tryed at the default of the BIOS...whitch means the CPU at 1.55v and 800mhz (6x133 or sumthing like it) and still no good results...


2. I already instaled the XP twice, first from a regular CD. Second i tried whith a nLite CUSTOM CD of mine...whitch included the SP2 from the install and some programs that i didnt use i removed...both times the same problem.


3. My PSU is a realy good one, and i cant belive that it can be the issue here, most of all because my system is running allright on Linux (even thought i am running it from the CD, whitch means the HDD is unused).


4. Thinking back in time (when i had a 40gb SEAGATE and 2 sticks of "Samsung" DDR) and my system worked ALMOST fine (it locked up on the boot remember?! but out of that...it was flawless inside the windows) i can find some arguments for the PSU not handling, but that is not for sure...like that, both motherboard AND PSU were bought togheter, and since then some problems are happening, SO one of them is not so well, and in my oppinion the Infinity is the best choice.


5. Out of the "motherboard is screwed" and the "psu is not handling" the only thing i can think off is some kind of REALY REALY wierd driver problem whith windows...one i can think off in first hand is the ethernet driver that windows instals VS the ethernet driver from the nForce package...but this is kinda guessing. What else could be conflicting SO BAD inside windows that would make my computer hangs?! I have NO idea.


Now my new updated questions from my issue:


1. What combination of CPUxmemory / frequencyXcas would u recomend? I have already tried a lot of them whith no luck :P


2. I am gonna try to change my PSU whith the supplier (think it will be nogo, but it wont hurt to try) but still, dont think it will make a ruge diference.


3. IFFFFFFFFFFF its realy is a driver related issue whith Windows, WHY before all of this happened my system still not booted to windows from time to time (before i changed the memories and HDD) ?!?!?!


Tkz in advance...Later.:cool:

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Well... here's some advice from google. link

I'd probably start with a serious reformatting. I'd suggest several full reformats. I like to change file types in the middle somewhere... just for variety. You might want to take the low-level format / write zeros to the disk approach.


Second.... Maybe try making a new install disk with sp2 slipstreamed. I mean.... not the nlite one you made with the old install. If it was screwed when you made the disk.... well.... the install disk is probably bad.


You might want to try taking out the pci network card. I'm not sure if it would help but it's a pretty easy thing to try.


Are you using the nvidia SW-IDE drivers? Some people have problems with them.


If all else fails... just install Linux. :D


Before you try to swap your psu with your supplier.... do you have another that you could try out? Beg.... borrow.... steal?


As for settings.... I'd probably start with something like...

cpu -- 166x11 @1.6v or so.

ram -- 8-3-3-2.5 @2.7v 1:1 ratio

chipset -- 1.7v

AGP -- 1.6v


About not booting before swapping stuff.... I'm thinking that _maybe_ you didn't have quite enough vcore for your overclock and the repeated crashes and boot failures corrupted your install. just a thought

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Well...i didnt tried what u said yet, still heres some more ideas of mine...


I kinda forgot to lock the PCI and AGP voltages before...they were always on AUTO. Whith that said, what a good voltage for me to lock them on?


I am asking this cause u havnt mentioned the PCI voltage on the last post :P



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Originally posted by *711

Well...i didnt tried what u said yet, still heres some more ideas of mine...


I kinda forgot to lock the PCI and AGP voltages before...they were always on AUTO. Whith that said, what a good voltage for me to lock them on?


I am asking this cause u havnt mentioned the PCI voltage on the last post :P



I don't know of any way to change PCI voltage..... and I'm not sure I'd want to.

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Here's a thought.


Make a bootable memtest disk either floppy or optical.


Use the clear CMOS instructions from the stickies(critical) at the top of the forum.


Start with the BIOS defaults before you make any BIOS changes.


Test each stick of RAM in all of the slots. Make sure you can complete four passes of memtest before you move to the next step.


Install the OS with just one stick of memory, an optical drive and the hard drive. Use the full format option during the install. Follow the information regarding the OS install from the stickies.


Good luck.

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Welll...it SEEMS that finaly my quest is over...or at least near the end :P


I am now running at:

cpu -- 166x11 @1.6v

ram -- 7-3-3-2.5 @2.7v 1:1 ratio

chipset -- 1.7v

AGP -- 1.6v


Just like "king of nothing" suggested and windows seems to be runnig smoothly (it locked once when i was using Alcoholl and my Sygate Firewall stoped responding, but i think this was just a coincidence :)


The only other thing i did was refresh my BIOS THOUSANDS OF TIMES...well, actualy about 5 or 6 times only...but thats a lot compared to what i was used to do on my older boards :P In some of them i actualy NEVER changed the BIOS :)


Anyway, i will end tunning up my Operational System and tomorrow i will try to encrease my CPU and MEMMOS speed and will post back here as soon as i get PRIME to run for some time on them :)


TKZ u all...and dispite the fact that i LOVED the assistence i got from DFI here, i am NEVER going to buy a DFI product again, sry...but it seems to be a litle to "undercooked" for me :P


Tkz again...later. :cool:

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