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is da motherboard dying?

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Have been using it for a year until some problems appeared,

1]post screen is garbled & wavy evertime i cold boot it


2]pci slot 5 would not detect any card inserted though window booted correctly


3]strange thing happen to my keyboard when i press the numerical button 1,it will move down one line when typing in notepad or anything to do with typing.Saving any kind of file with the number 1 is not possible too wheather its alone or in combination of numbers


4]random crashes or freezes with no reason


its a dfi lanparty ultra rev.a and i 've never oc' it,its on default.i'm suspecting that it could be the maxtor hdd or the mobo,but i'm not too sure.Could some 1 give me suggestions as to wat to do...RMA?:rolleyes:

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Have you put in any new parts recently that might be causing conflicts. I'm not sure which one.... but I vaguely remember there being some problems with some sound card.


As for the freezes.... do you have firewire enabled? Disable it in the bios and see if it helps.


You might want to try a fresh windows install... or at least a repair. If you've been having lots of crashes/freezes it might have messed something up.


Have you tried a different keyboard? Do you know anyone who'd be vile enough to screw with your hotkey settings?


For the post screen thing.... I'd guess psu, video card, or monitor. Maybe there's something wrong... or maybe they are just cold and need a minute to "wake up".

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