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re: SATA Raid 0 Setup

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I've been running my 2 - 80gig SATA's in Raid 0 alongside my original 120gig and dual-booting Windows XP on each. My problem now is that when I remove the 120 to put it in another computer I can't recognise the 80's, just get DISK BOOT FAILURE. As soon as I connect the 120 back it all works fine again. Is there any way to get my system to recognise the SATA's without reinstalling Windows?

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Its possible the Master Boot record was on the single Hdd and when you remove it then there is no booot record so you get a boot failure. OR it might be worth changing the device booting order in the bios, rather than.......

1st device IDE1 change it too floppy/cdrom etc and the rest disabled and make sure that Sata raid is set too in the genie setup........

If its the mbr then im a bit unsure how you would go about changing it from the single hdd to the raid stripe, maybe someone else knows how, or maybe i am way off base completley...


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I was thinking the same thing regarding the mbr. I do have everything set correctly in the bios, except I've been trying to use my first boot device as scsi, not ide0 or ide1. I'm wondering if having the ide cable still plugged into the motherboard with nothing attached to it is causing this problem?

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you can recover your installation.

Just boot from your windows cd and choose the option to go into the recovery console. (don't press F2 for ASR!!)

you have to logon with your admin account and then you get a command prompt. type help for help ;-)

If i remember correctly you can do a fixmbr to repair your master boot record.


good luck !

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Good idea thanks. I was also considering seeing if I could do a repair installation but I seem to recall that option only being available if you run setup from Windows.

I'll try the console when I get home :D

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Originally posted by bArtAA

you can recover your installation.

Just boot from your windows cd and choose the option to go into the recovery console. (don't press F2 for ASR!!)

you have to logon with your admin account and then you get a command prompt. type help for help ;-)

If i remember correctly you can do a fixmbr to repair your master boot record.


good luck !


That unfortunately didn't work, I now get the 'NTLDR is missing please reinstall' problem when I try to boot from the Raid drives. I'll just go ahead and redo my Windows installation but this time I'll disconnect my 120gig first!!! Thanks for the input.

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Originally posted by Emil

With apologies to Flagg....AG.....Rgone.......


I would just like to welcome back someone I have not heard from for some time......


How are you....Mustah Loggan !?!? :D:)


Apologise to all here as it aint my thread etc.....Just wanted to say HI to Emil, how you doing yourself man, sorry not got back to you, just seems to be the way things are just now, i get on here and then something takes me away for a while and i forget where i was at and have to start from scratch again.....anyway enough of my rambling hope you are cool and all is well with you and yours, nice to see you hanging oot here noo as well man......

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