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DFI LP 250GB Problem

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Hi. I have a problem. I bought a DFI Lanparty nf3 250GB too weeks ago, I installed a A64300+ CPU with a 512MB of ram and had been working without problems. But today repently freeze in windows and didn't work again.


There's no beeps errors, there's no video, the power led and the dram led in the mobo are on. All fans works. The integrated Network interface, also don't starts. My specs are in the sig. I tried clearing the cmos, taking out everything and then back in, but nothing.


I didn't do overclock, all settings was by default. Temps also were fine... I don't know what can be ... please, help me, Thanks.

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Guest ZigZag

Is the fan spinning on the heatsink to your cpu? Video card fan working?




Did u pull out the battery after clearing the cmos?


If not try that & tap INSERT key while booting up.

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Thanks for the answer. The heatsink fan is spinning and the video card fan works.


I cleared the cmos without the battery.


Like the netwkork interface (the leds don't turn on), the keyboard don't turns on ... so I can't press the insert key. Strange that the keyboard don't power uo, cause the red leds in the mobo are just on fine (power and dram led)


Also tried putting the ram in different slots, same thing..

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