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Improvised Convection Cooling?

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Well here's something interesting... (personal story... not a new product :P )


Last night, as I packed up junk around my room, in preparation for an upcoming moveout, I began unplugging all of my external drives and cameras and whatnot on my desk. I also unplugged the little black plug that goes to what I thought was my coffeemaker. Well, somehow, it must not have dawned on me when I boxed up the coffeemaker that the cord was actually white, although I made note of this when I put it away...

Apparently, I had yanked the cord to my computer H2O pump!!! :O Now, usually my processor runs at a comfy 38-41C (@1.75V) under a constant F@H load... When I did a routine temp check this morning, it was running at around 45C,(which I ignored cuz it's a pretty hot day) and just a few minutes ago it was at 51C. Not until just now while I was cleaning out dust near the power strip did it strike me that there were only 2 things plugged in, and neither of them was the pump cord. So, naturally, I look inside the computer and sure'nuf, the water in the res was just sitting there and the waterblock had this huge bubbles in the intake line. The only reason I didn't flip out and dive for the power cord was that that I was still using the computer without problems, although it had been running for the better part of a day without circulation!

By this time I turned the pump back on and the temp came back down to 38. :D

My guess as to the only reason the thing didn't melt down was that the radiator, which is right above the waterblocks was able to keep the warm water rising out of the block at a cool enough temp... Thick tubing probably helped too. Pretty nice though, since that dispells those myths about computers that burnup within seconds of a pump failure. :P


Oh well...


Stupid me! :P:P

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yea, voltage mod people like me have a lot to be scared of... i tried doing a pump failure to see how fast i would have to fix it, somewhere around 18 seconds and my temps were above 50c...


thats when i decided to get a relay to make sure my computer turns off if my pump fails ;)

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